下面是我有一个 MWE:
Just some normal text before the math. Go on a bit of a bit longer so
that this wraps into a couple of lines. I wish I had a funny joke to
tell you but I cant remember any. For example,
$\widehat{\Omega_{YOU}^{\hat{XYZ}}}=DYNAMICS$ is a model that I would
like to examine. OK now lets do some more filler text here to see
another line and check out the spacing. If you read this far you
deserve an award.
Just some normal text before the math. Go on a bit of a bit longer so
that this wraps into a couple of lines. I wish I had a funny joke to
tell you but I cant remember any. For example,
is a model that I would
like to examine. OK now lets do some more filler text here to see
another line and check out the spacing. If you read this far you
deserve an award.}%
上面找到的 开始,可以测试较小的值。根据先前的框深度,最大值可能不是必需的。以下示例实现了二分搜索以查找较小的值。
\lineskiplimit=0pt %
\lineskip=10in %
\typeout{* Max: \the\minmax@baselineskip}%
% \typeout{* Tr0: \the\minmax@baselineskip\space -> \minmax@HT}%
% \typeout{* Try: \the\minmax@baselineskip\space -> \minmax@new@HT}%
% \typeout{* Low: \minmax@lower}%
% \typeout{* Upp: \minmax@upper}%
\typeout{* Min: \the\minmax@baselineskip}%
Just some normal text before the math. Go on a bit of a bit longer so
that this wraps into a couple of lines. I wish I had a funny joke to
tell you but I cant remember any. For example,
is a model that I would
like to examine. OK now lets do some more filler text here to see
another line and check out the spacing. If you read this far you
deserve an award.%
* Max: 16.20827pt
* Min: 15.70175pt