我正在使用论文模板,但问题是我需要从标题页开始一直到论文的连续阿拉伯数字编号。但它在第 1 章重置。这是我对调用章节的主要部分所做的
% ************************ Thesis Information & Meta-data **********************
% Thesis title and author information, refernce file for biblatex
% ******************************** Front Matter ********************************
\let\oldthispagestyle=\thispagestyle % If we want to see a page number.
\def\thispagestyle#1{} % If we want to see a page number.
% *********************** Adding TOC and List of Figures ***********************
% ******************************** Main Matter *********************************
% ********************************** Bibliography ******************************
\bibliography{References/references} % Path to your References.bib file
% ********************************** Appendices ********************************
\begin{appendices} % Using appendices environment for more functunality
% *************************************** Index ********************************
\printthesisindex % If index is present
\usepackage{kantlipsum} % just to fill in nonsense text
% modify \frontmatter and \mainmatter to have continuous numbering
% reinstate the page number in the initial page of TOC