%\draw (-4,-4) grid (4,4);
\draw (0,0) node[cylinder,draw=black,thick,aspect=1.4,
minimum height=3cm,minimum width=2.5cm,
shape border rotate=90,
cylinder uses custom fill,
cylinder body fill=blue!30,
cylinder end fill=blue!10, opacity=.4,anchor=north]
(A) {};
\draw [dashed] (1.23,-2.87) arc[x radius=1.24, y radius=1/3, start angle=0, end angle=180];
\draw [dashed] (0,-2.8) ellipse[x radius=0.3, y radius=1/12, start angle=0, end angle=180];
形状,而是使用圆弧和一组Mark Wibrow 的 droplets对于水:
\pgfdeclareradialshading[droplet color]{droplet}{\pgfqpoint{-10bp}{-10bp}}{%
color(0bp)=(droplet color!50!white);
color(9bp)=(droplet color!75!white);
color(18bp)=(droplet color!85!black);
color(25bp)=(droplet color);
color(50bp)=(droplet color!50!white)}
\colorlet{droplet color}{blue!50!cyan!80}
\shade [shading=droplet]
(0,0) .. controls ++(0,-1) and ++(0,1) .. (1,-2)
arc (360:180:1)
.. controls ++(0,1) and ++(0,-1) .. (0,0) -- cycle;
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]
\foreach \Coord in {{(2,0)},{(2.3,-0.25)},{(2.2,-0.3)},{(2.2,-0.4)}%,
\path \Coord pic {raindrop};
\foreach \Coord in {{(2,0)},{(2.3,-0.25)},{(2.2,-0.3)},{(2.2,-0.4)}%,
\path \Coord pic {raindrop};
\filldraw[draw=black,ultra thick,fill=droplet color!20]
(0,3) arc[x radius=2, y radius=0.4, start angle=180, end angle=0]
(4,3) arc[x radius=2, y radius=0.4, start angle=0, end angle=-180];
\filldraw[ultra thick,fill=droplet color!70,opacity=1,fill opacity=0.7]
(0,3) --
arc[x radius=2, y radius=0.4, start angle=-180, end angle=0] --
arc[x radius=2, y radius=0.4, start angle=0, end angle=-180];
(0,0) arc[x radius=2, y radius=0.4, start angle=180, end angle=0]
(1.5,0) arc[x radius=0.5, y radius=0.12, start angle=180, end angle=0]
(1.5,0) arc[x radius=0.5, y radius=0.12, start angle=-180, end angle=0];
当您指定宽度和高度时,(在本例中)y 半径的默认值似乎是一个常数 0.125cm。然后按宽高比参数缩放。
%\draw (-4,-4) grid (4,4);
\draw (0,0) node[cylinder,draw=black,thick,aspect=1.4,
minimum height=3cm,minimum width=2.5cm,
shape border rotate=90,
cylinder uses custom fill,
cylinder body fill=blue!30,
cylinder end fill=blue!10, opacity=.4,anchor=north]
(A) {};
\draw [dashed] (1.25,-2.825) arc[x radius=1.25, y radius=.175, start angle=0, end angle=180];
\draw [dashed] (0,-2.825) ellipse[x radius=0.3, y radius=.042, start angle=0, end angle=180];
\draw (4,0) node[cylinder,draw=black,thick,aspect=1,
minimum height=3cm,minimum width=2.5cm,
shape border rotate=90,
cylinder uses custom fill,
cylinder body fill=blue!30,
cylinder end fill=blue!10, opacity=.4,anchor=north]
\draw (4,0) node[cylinder,draw=black,thick,
minimum height=1cm,minimum width=1cm,
shape border rotate=90,
cylinder uses custom fill,
cylinder body fill=blue!30,
cylinder end fill=blue!10, opacity=.4,anchor=north]
\draw (4,0) node[draw=red,
minimum height=3cm,minimum width=2.5cm,
shape border rotate=90,anchor=north]
{aspect demo};
\draw[green] (4,0) -- (4,-.25) (2.75,-.125) -- (5.25,-.125);