如何更改 scrlttr2 中的 headsepline 和 fromrule 的颜色和粗细?

如何更改 scrlttr2 中的 headsepline 和 fromrule 的颜色和粗细?

我想使用带有以下选项的标准 scrlttr2 类来更改 headsepline 和 fromrule 的颜色和粗细:



以下 MWE 在第一页和第二页上给出红色 5pt 线:


\KOMAoptions{headsepline=true,       % Syntax error corrected 8.2.2020


            Ernst Hemingway\\
            Main street\\
            2300\enspace\ PAMPLONA%

\setkomavar{date}{18. januar 2013}


Bulls are nice, but the last general meeting was about one year ago.
I want to remind you, that the constitution of our
club advises you to make a general meeting every
six month. Because of this I expect the executive
board to detain such a meeting immediately.


I want to remind you, that the constitution of our
club advises you to make a general meeting every
six month. Because of this I expect the executive
board to detain such a meeting immediately.

\closing{Thank you}


请参阅第 226 页和第 54 页KOMA 脚本手册(v3.18)。

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