更改 manyfoot 中段落脚注样式的格式

更改 manyfoot 中段落脚注样式的格式






\footnote{We have the default footnote register taken care of by memoir, with formatting options for hanging footnotes applied.}
\footnoteA{Then we have a second register of footnotes.}
\footnoteA{While having an alphabetic counter which is reset per page, it is also a plain footnote register, and automatically takes over the formatting options of the default register handled by memoir, which is fine.}
\footnoteB{Third register, paragraphed. I'd like this to fit better to the other two.}
\footnoteB{I would like to change the format of the footnote marker in the footnote to \textbf{not} be superscript and small.}
\footnoteB{Here the 3 is not indented. I would like to get rid of the indentation for footnote 1, too. There should be a small space after the number though, and probably I want to set it in bold.}



同时拥有默认和 B 寄存器使用号码只是在这个 MWE 中的问题,在实际文件中,它们不会出现在同一页面上。


我找到了一个解决方案,即使用para*manyfoot 选项来摆脱初始缩进,然后重新定义\footnoteB



\FootnotetextB{}{\textbf{\thefootnoteB}\quad #1}%


\footnote{We have the default footnote register taken care of by memoir, with formatting options for hanging footnotes applied.}
\footnoteA{Then we have a second register of footnotes.}
\footnoteA{While having an alphabetic counter which is reset per page, it is also a plain footnote register, and automatically takes over the formatting options of the default register handled by memoir, which is fine.}
\footnoteB{Third register, paragraphed. I'd like this to fit better to the other two.}
\footnoteB{I would like to change the format of the footnote marker in the footnote to \textbf{not} be superscript and small.}
\footnoteB{Here the 3 is not indented. I would like to get rid of the indentation for footnote 1, too. There should be a small space after the number though, and probably I want to set it in bold.}


