pgfplot 图例位于网格顶部,但在轴和 groupplot 中的图形下方

pgfplot 图例位于网格顶部,但在轴和 groupplot 中的图形下方








    legend entries={Very very loooong legend entry, and a short one},
    legend cell align=left,
    legend to name=grouplegend,
    legend style={draw=none, fill opacity=0.7, text opacity = 1,row sep=10pt},
    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=blue] table {
        x y 
        1 1 
        2 2
        3 3

    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=red] table {
        x y 
        1 2 
        3 1

    \coordinate (leg) at (rel axis cs:0,1);    
    \node[anchor= north west] at (leg){\pgfplotslegendfromname{grouplegend}};    


微波辐射计 2

%\pgfplotsset{set layers=standard}
group style={group name=group,
    group size=1 by 2,
    x descriptions at=edge bottom,
    y descriptions at=edge left,
    vertical sep=0.5cm,
legend entries={a very very loooooong legend entry A, Legend entry B},
legend cell align=left,
legend to name=grouplegend,
legend style={draw=none, fill opacity=0.5, text opacity = 1,row sep=-1pt,font=\scriptsize},


    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=blue] table {
        x y 
        1 1 
        2 2
        3 3
    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=red] table {
        x y 
        1 2 
        3 1


    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=blue] table {
        x y 
        1 1 
        2 2
        3 3
    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=red] table {
        x y 
        1 2 
        3 1

\node[anchor= north west] (leg) at (group c1r1.north west){\pgfplotslegendfromname{grouplegend}};    


因此,没有%\pgfplotsset{set layers=standard}设置,grouplot 看起来还不错,




有什么原因和解决办法吗?Gonzalos 的第一次修订答案也没有用...


是的,这是可能的。您可以使用图层将元素按所需顺序放置。我最初使用\pgfdeclarelayer\pgfsetlayers,但是,敲击提及his commentpgfplots提供set layers一组可用于放置元素的预定义图层:


    set layers=standard,
    legend entries={Very very loooong legend entry, and a short one},
    legend cell align=left,
    legend to name=grouplegend,
    legend style={draw=none, fill opacity=0.7, text opacity = 1,row sep=10pt},
    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=blue,on layer={axis foreground}] table {
        x y 
        1 1 
        2 2
        3 3
    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=red,on layer={axis descriptions}] table {
        x y 
        1 2 
        3 1
    \coordinate (leg) at (rel axis cs:0,1); 

    \node[anchor= north west] at (leg){\pgfplotslegendfromname{grouplegend}};   




使用 时groupplots,必须采取一些额外的措施,并且cellpicture=true必须使用。我记得 的pgfplot创建者在类似的上下文中谈到过这个错误,但我找不到它。显然这个错误还没有被修复。


\pgfplotsset{set layers=standard,cell picture=true}
group style={group name=group,
    group size=1 by 2,
    x descriptions at=edge bottom,
    y descriptions at=edge left,
    vertical sep=0.5cm,
legend entries={a very very loooooong legend entry A, Legend entry B},
legend cell align=left,
legend to name=grouplegend,
legend style={draw=none, fill opacity=0.5, text opacity = 1,row sep=-1pt,font=\scriptsize},


    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=blue] table {
        x y 
        1 1 
        2 2
        3 3
    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=red] table {
        x y 
        1 2 
        3 1


    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=blue] table {
        x y 
        1 1 
        2 2
        3 3

    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=red] table {
        x y 
        1 2 
        3 1

\node[anchor= north west] (leg) at (group c1r1.north west){\pgfplotslegendfromname{grouplegend}};   




如果将图例放置在\legend{...}而不是 中,则 \node at (leg) {\pgfplotslegendfromname{grouplegend}};还有另一种可能性,即只需对(组)图的代码进行较少的更改,即可将图例置于图的下方。此外,您还可以轻松更改其他元素的顺序。

首先,您必须定义一个新的所需图层集(参见 pgfplots.pdf 中的第 4.28 章“图层”或搜索\pgfplotssetlayers),例如命名legend behind plots

    layers/legend behind plots/.define layer set={
        axis background,axis grid,axis ticks,axis lines,axis tick labels,main,axis descriptions,axis foreground
        grid style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis grid},
        tick style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis ticks},
        axis line style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis lines},
        label style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},
        %legend style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions}, % <------ activate one of these rows
        legend style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis tick labels}, % <------ activate one of these rows
        title style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},
        colorbar style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},
        ticklabel style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis tick labels},
        axis background@ style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis background},
        3d box foreground style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis foreground},

set layers=legend behind plots,然后,您可以使用参数中的激活图层集\begin{groupplot}[...],以及cell picture=true,





% ### 1. define layer set ###, see pgfplots.pdf 4.28 LAYERS (search for \pgfplotssetlayers)
    layers/legend behind plots/.define layer set={
            axis background,axis grid,axis ticks,axis lines,axis tick labels,main,axis descriptions,axis foreground
        grid style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis grid},
        tick style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis ticks},
        axis line style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis lines},
        label style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},
        %legend style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions}, % <------ activate one of these rows
        legend style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis tick labels}, % <------ activate one of these rows
        title style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},
        colorbar style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},
        ticklabel style= {/pgfplots/on layer=axis tick labels},
        axis background@ style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis background},
        3d box foreground style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis foreground},

group style={group name=group,
    group size=1 by 2,
    x descriptions at=edge bottom,
    y descriptions at=edge left,
    vertical sep=0.5cm,
% ### 2. select layer set ###
set layers=legend behind plots, 
cell picture=true,  
legend cell align=left,
legend style={at={(0,1)},anchor=north west,draw=none,fill opacity=0.5, text opacity = 1},%,row sep=-1pt,font=\scriptsize},


    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=blue] table {
        x y 
        1 1 
        2 2
        3 3
    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=red] table {
        x y 
        1 2 
        3 1

        \legend{a very very loooooong legend entry A, Legend entry B} % <--- specify legend here, works for all subplots


    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=blue] table {
        x y 
        1 1 
        2 2
        3 3

    \addplot[line width = 5pt, color=red] table {
        x y 
        1 2 
        3 1



更新:正如前面的答案中所提到的,cell picture=true,这里也需要。
