为什么 Texmaker 中 \[...\] 方程式中的消息不完整

为什么 Texmaker 中 \[...\] 方程式中的消息不完整


   underfull hbox badness 10000 in paragraph at lines 

即使我没有使用 ,也会显示消息\\。在阅读了同一消息的许多问题后,我删除了\\行距后使用的所有内容,并定义了





  1. \\当我想在证明中转到下一行而不想跳过一行时,我应该使用它吗,或者还有其他方法吗?
  2. \\删除除换行符之外的所有内容后,我仍然看到一些使用\[\]内联方程式的消息。我该如何删除它们。


内联错误(第 90 行)-





In this section we will describe the structure of group algebras over finite cyclic groups and will state the Main result which describe the structure of group algebras over any finite abelian group.
Let \(G\) be the cycle group of order \(n\), i.e. \(G=\langle a:a^n=1 \rangle\), and K be a field such that char\((K)\) doesn't divide \(|G|\). \\
Then considering the map \(\phi: K[x]\to KG\) given by:
\[f(x)\to f(a)\]
It is clear that \(\phi\) is an epimorphism and thus 
\[\frac{K[x]}{\text{ker}(\phi)}\cong KG\] where Ker\((\phi)=\{f\in K[x]: f(a)=0\}\). Now, as \(K[x]\) is a P.I.D and \(x^n-1\in \text{Ker}(\phi)\), it easily follows that \(\text{Ker}(\phi)=\langle x^n-1 \rangle\) and thus \[KG \cong \frac{K[x]}{\langle x^n-1 \rangle}\]
Now decomposing \(x^n-1\) as product of irreducible factor polynomials in \(K[x]\), say, \(x^n-1=f_1f_2 \dots f_t\), and as \((x^n-1,nx^{n-1})=1 \) implies \(x^n-1\) is separable and thus for every \(i\neq j, f_i \neq f_j\). So now we can use Chinese Remainder Theorem, and express 
$KG\cong \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_1 \rangle} \oplus \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_2 \rangle} \dots \oplus \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_t \rangle}$
Now \(\frac{K[x]}{\langle f_i \rangle} \cong K(\zeta_i)\) where \(\zeta_i\) is a root of \(f_i\) for \(1\le i \le t\). Therefore,\\
\[KG \cong K(\zeta_1) \oplus \dots \oplus K(\zeta_t)\]
as \(\zeta_i's\) are roots of \(x^n-1\)  thus \(KG\) is isomorphic to a direct sum of \textit{cyclotomic extensions} of \(K\)\\ 
\textbf{Example-} Let \(G=C_5\) and \(K=\mathbb{Q}\). In this case
and thus  
\[\mathbb{Q}G\cong \mathbb{Q}\oplus \mathbb{Q}(\zeta)\]
where \(\zeta\) is a root of \(x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1\).\\
Notice that changing \(K=\mathbb{Q}\) to \(K=\mathbb{R}\) would similarly suggest that the group ring  \(\mathbb{R}C_5 \cong \mathbb{R}\oplus \mathbb{R}(\zeta)\) as \(x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1\) is irreducible over \(\mathbb{R}\) too.\\
Similarly considering \(x^4-1=(x+1)(x-1)(x^2+1)\) , we see that \(\mathbb{Q}C_4 \cong \mathbb{Q}\oplus \mathbb{Q}\oplus \mathbb{Q}(i)\).\\







% arara: pdflatex


    In this section we will describe the structure of group algebras over finite cyclic groups and will state the Main result which describe the structure of group algebras over any finite abelian group.

    Let \(G\) be the cycle group of order \(n\), i.e. \(G=\langle a:a^n=1 \rangle\), and K be a field such that char\((K)\) doesn't divide \(|G|\).\\
    Then considering the map \(\phi: K[x]\to KG\) given by:
    \[f(x)\to f(a)\]

    It is clear that \(\phi\) is an epimorphism and thus 
            \frac{K[x]}{\text{ker}(\phi)}&\cong KG\\
            (\phi)&=\{f\in K[x]: f(a)=0\}.\\
            \intertext{Now, as \(K[x]\) is a P.I.D and \(x^n-1\in \text{Ker}(\phi)\), it easily follows that}
            \text{Ker}(\phi)&=\langle x^n-1 \rangle\\
            \shortintertext{and thus}
            KG &\cong \frac{K[x]}{\langle x^n-1 \rangle}.           
    Now decomposing \(x^n-1\) as product of irreducible factor polynomials in \(K[x]\), say, \(x^n-1=f_1f_2 \dots f_t\), and as \((x^n-1,nx^{n-1})=1 \) implies \(x^n-1\) is separable and thus for every \(i\neq j, f_i \neq f_j\). So now we can use Chinese Remainder Theorem, and express 
    \[KG\cong \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_1 \rangle} \oplus \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_2 \rangle} \dots \oplus \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_t \rangle}.\]
    Now \(\frac{K[x]}{\langle f_i \rangle} \cong K(\zeta_i)\) where \(\zeta_i\) is a root of \(f_i\) for \(1\le i \le t\). Therefore,
    \[KG \cong K(\zeta_1) \oplus \dots \oplus K(\zeta_t)\]
    as \(\zeta_i's\) are roots of \(x^n-1\)  thus \(KG\) is isomorphic to a direct sum of \textit{cyclotomic extensions} of \(K\)

    \textbf{Example-} Let \(G=C_5\) and \(K=\mathbb{Q}\). In this case
        \shortintertext{and thus}
        \mathbb{Q}G&\cong \mathbb{Q}\oplus \mathbb{Q}(\zeta)
    where \(\zeta\) is a root of \(x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1\).

    Notice that changing \(K=\mathbb{Q}\) to \(K=\mathbb{R}\) would similarly suggest that the group ring  \(\mathbb{R}C_5 \cong \mathbb{R}\oplus \mathbb{R}(\zeta)\) as \(x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1\) is irreducible over $\mathbb{R}$ too.  
    Similarly considering \(x^4-1=(x+1)(x-1)(x^2+1)\) , we see that \[\mathbb{Q}C_4 \cong \mathbb{Q}\oplus \mathbb{Q}\oplus \mathbb{Q}(i).\]



  • :将数学模式中的所有 (冒号) 替换为\colon
  • 使用预定义的“数学运算符”,例如\ker
  • 将其中一个内联数学表达式替换为显示数学结构。最重要的是,你应该转换

    \(KG\cong \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_1 \rangle} \oplus 
    \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_2 \rangle} \dots \oplus 
    \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_t \rangle}\) 


  • 不要在\)(结束内联数学)和后续标点符号(例如,、 和.)之间留空格。

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述

%% I've omitted all unneeded packages from this preamble


In this section we will describe the structure of group algebras over finite cyclic 
groups and state the main result, which describes the structure of group algebras 
over any finite abelian group.

Let \(G\) be the cycle group of order \(n\), i.e.\ \(G=\langle a\colon a^n=1 \rangle\), 
and \(K\) be a field such that \(\chr(K)\) doesn't divide \(|G|\). 

Then consider the map \(\phi\colon K[x]\to KG\) given by
f(x)\to f(a).
It is clear that \(\phi\) is an epimorphism and thus 
\frac{K[x]}{\ker(\phi)}\cong KG,
where \(\ker(\phi)=\{f\in K[x]\colon f(a)=0\}\). Now, as \(K[x]\) is a P.I.D 
and \(x^n-1\in \ker(\phi)\), it easily follows that 
\(\ker(\phi)=\langle x^n-1 \rangle\) and thus 
KG \cong \frac{K[x]}{\langle x^n-1 \rangle}\,.

Now decomposing \(x^n-1\) as product of irreducible factor polynomials in \(K[x]\), 
say, \(x^n-1=f_1f_2 \dotsm f_t\), and as \((x^n-1,nx^{n-1})=1 \) implies 
\(x^n-1\) is separable and thus for every \(i\neq j, f_i \neq f_j\). So 
now we can use Chinese Remainder Theorem and express 
KG\cong \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_1 \rangle} \oplus \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_2 \rangle} 
\dots \oplus \frac{K[x]}{\langle f_t \rangle}\,.

Now \(\frac{K[x]}{\langle f_i \rangle} \cong K(\zeta_i)\), where 
\(\zeta_i\) is a root of \(f_i\) for \(1\le i \le t\). Therefore,
KG \cong K(\zeta_1) \oplus \dots \oplus K(\zeta_t)\,,
as the \(\zeta_i\)'s are roots of \(x^n-1\)  thus \(KG\) is isomorphic 
to a direct sum of \textit{cyclotomic extensions} of \(K\).

\textbf{Example--}Let \(G=C_5\) and \(K=\mathbb{Q}\). In this case
and thus  
\mathbb{Q}G\cong \mathbb{Q}\oplus \mathbb{Q}(\zeta),
where \(\zeta\) is a root of \(x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1\).

Notice that changing \(K=\mathbb{Q}\) to \(K=\mathbb{R}\) would 
similarly suggest that the group ring  \(\mathbb{R}C_5 \cong \mathbb{R}
\oplus \mathbb{R}(\zeta)\), as \(x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1\) is irreducible 
over \(\mathbb{R}\) too.

Similarly considering \(x^4-1=(x+1)(x-1)(x^2+1)\), we see that 
\mathbb{Q}C_4 \cong \mathbb{Q}\oplus \mathbb{Q}\oplus \mathbb{Q}(i).
