





\usepackage{array} % for ExtraRowHeight




1.1 & \cjRL{b*i+s:nat +sAlwo+s l:mal:kw*t y:hwoyAqiyM mElEK:--y:hw*dAh b*A' n:bw*kad:nE'.s*ar mElEK:--b*AbEl y:rw*+sAlaiM way*A.sar `AlEyhA;} & In the 3\textsuperscript{rd} year of the reign of Jehoiakim (the King of Judah), Nebuchadnezzar (the King of Babylon) came {[}to{]} Jerusalem and laid siege to it, \\
1.2 & \cjRL{way*it*eN 'a:donAy b*:yAdwo 'Et--y:hwoyAqiyM mElEK:--y:hw*dAh w*miq:.sAt k*:ley beyt--hA'E:lohiyM way:biy'eM 'ErE.S--+sin:`Ar b*eyt 'E:lohAyw w:'Et--hak*eliyM hebiy' b*eyt 'wo.sar 'E:lohAyw;} & and the Lord gave Jehoiakim (the King of Judah) into his hand, together with odds-and-ends from the vessels\textmd{\footnote{lit., `from the end of the vessels'; colloq., `part of the vessels'}} of the House of God.\space\space {[}Nebuchadnezzar{]} brought them {[}both to{]} the Land of Shinar, {[}to{]} the house of \textit{his} god, where he brought the vessels into his god's treasure-house. \\




这不是对字体的一般更改,而只是针对这种特殊longtable情况。我介绍\shcjRL在调用之前在垂直空间中向上移动 1pt \cjRL。它假设在段落开头进行调用,这适用于这种情况。


\usepackage{array} % for ExtraRowHeight




1.1 & \shcjRL{b*i+s:nat +sAlwo+s l:mal:kw*t y:hwoyAqiyM mElEK:--y:hw*dAh b*A' n:bw*kad:nE'.s*ar mElEK:--b*AbEl y:rw*+sAlaiM way*A.sar `AlEyhA;} & In the 3\textsuperscript{rd} year of the reign of Jehoiakim (the King of Judah), Nebuchadnezzar (the King of Babylon) came {[}to{]} Jerusalem and laid siege to it, \\
1.2 & \shcjRL{way*it*eN 'a:donAy b*:yAdwo 'Et--y:hwoyAqiyM mElEK:--y:hw*dAh w*miq:.sAt k*:ley beyt--hA'E:lohiyM way:biy'eM 'ErE.S--+sin:`Ar b*eyt 'E:lohAyw w:'Et--hak*eliyM hebiy' b*eyt 'wo.sar 'E:lohAyw;} & and the Lord gave Jehoiakim (the King of Judah) into his hand, together with odds-and-ends from the vessels\textmd{\footnote{lit., `from the end of the vessels'; colloq., `part of the vessels'}} of the House of God.\space\space {[}Nebuchadnezzar{]} brought them {[}both to{]} the Land of Shinar, {[}to{]} the house of \textit{his} god, where he brought the vessels into his god's treasure-house. \\



