我有 3 个数字,我想把它们放在一行上,但我做不到。任何帮助都很好。这是我的代码:
% Packages
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,node distance=5mm,>=stealth',bend angle=20,auto,
place/.style={circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=blue!20,minimum size=8mm},
red place/.style={place,draw=red!75,fill=red!20}
every label/.style={red},
every node/.style={scale=0.8},
dots/.style={fill=black,circle,inner sep=2pt},
initial text={},
\node [place,accepting] (l0) {$l_1$};
\node [place,below=8mm of l0] (l1) [label=right:$x\le 10$] {$l_2$};
\node [place,below=1.3cm of l1] (l2) {$l_3$};
\path (l0) edge node [align=center, xshift =0.7cm]{init \\ reset\{x,y\}} (l1)
(l1) edge [bend left] node [align=center]{$cont$ \\ $y \ge 20$ \\ reset\{x,y\}} (l2)
edge [loop,in=120,out=150,looseness=10] node [align=center,below,xshift=-8mm,yshift=5mm]{$loop$ \\ $x=10$ \\ reset\{x\}} (l1)
(l2) edge [bend left] node[align=center] {$end$ \\ reset\{x,y\}} (l1);
\caption{\centering An atomic BIP component}
%\node [inner ysep=3.7cm,inner xsep=2.5cm, draw, right=1.2cm of l0, above=-1.2cm of l2] (rec1) {};
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,node distance=7mm,>=stealth',bend angle=20,auto,
place/.style={circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=blue!20,minimum size=10mm},
red place/.style={place,draw=red!75,fill=red!20}
every label/.style={red},
every node/.style={scale=.7},
dots/.style={fill=black,circle,inner sep=2pt},
initial text={}]
\node [right=5cm of l0](s0){$\ll l_1, x=y\gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s0](s1){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge x=y \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s1,xshift=-2cm](s2){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 10 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s2,xshift=0cm](s3){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 20 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s3,xshift=0cm](s4){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 30 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s4,xshift=0cm](s5){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 40 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s5,xshift=0cm](s6){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y > 20 \wedge y-x > 40 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s6,xshift=3cm](s7){$\ll l_3, y=x \gg$};
\node [right=0cm of s6](s8){};
\path (s0) edge (s1)
(s1) edge (s2)
(s2) edge (s3)
(s3) edge (s4)
(s4) edge (s5)
(s5) edge (s6)
(s6) edge (s7)
(s8) edge[looseness=10,loop,right,out=-20,in=20](s8)
(s7)++(1,0) edge[bend right] ++(-5mm,4cm);
\caption{\centering Symbolic states representation before normalization}
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,node distance=7mm,>=stealth',bend angle=20,auto,
place/.style={circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=blue!20,minimum size=10mm},
red place/.style={place,draw=red!75,fill=red!20}
every label/.style={red},
every node/.style={scale=.7},
dots/.style={fill=black,circle,inner sep=2pt},
initial text={}]
\node [right=5cm of s0](t0){$\ll l_1, x=y\gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t0](t1){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge x=y \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t1,xshift=-2cm](t2){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 10 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t2,xshift=0cm](t3){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 20 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t3,xshift=0cm](t4){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 30 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t4,xshift=0cm](t5){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 40 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t5,xshift=0cm](t6){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y > 20 \wedge y-x > 40 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t6,xshift=3cm](t7){$\ll l_3, y=x \gg$};
\node [right=0cm of t6](t8){};
\path (t0) edge (t1)
(t1) edge (t2)
(t2) edge (t3)
(t3) edge (t4)
(t4) edge (t5)
(t5) edge (t6)
(t6) edge (t7)
(t8) edge[looseness=10,loop,right,out=-20,in=20](t8)
(t7)++(1,0) edge[bend right] ++(-5mm,4cm);
\caption{\centering Symbolic states representation after normalization}
\caption{An atomic component and its symbolic state representations}\label{fig:zone}
如您所见,图 b 和 c 重叠。怎么做:1. 放大(例如,借助包放大局部文本宽度)changepage
<your figures>
- 重新设计你的第二和第三个图形,使它们的宽度不超过
\caption{Symbolic states representation before normalization}
\caption{Symbolic states representation before normalization}
\caption{Symbolic states representation after normalization}
\caption{An atomic component and its symbolic state representations}
node distance=5mm,
bend angle=20,auto,
place/.style={circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=blue!20,minimum size=8mm},
red place/.style={place,draw=red!75,fill=red!20}
every label/.style={red},
every node/.style={scale=0.8},
dots/.style={fill=black,circle,inner sep=2pt},
initial text={},
\node [place,accepting] (l0) {$l_1$};
\node [place,below=8mm of l0] (l1) [label=right:$x\le 10$] {$l_2$};
\node [place,below=1.3cm of l1] (l2) {$l_3$};
\path (l0) edge node [align=center,xshift =0.7cm]{init\\ reset\{x,y\}} (l1)
(l1) edge [bend left] node [align=center]{$cont$ \\$y\ge20$\\ reset\{x,y\}} (l2)
edge [loop,in=120,out=150,looseness=10] node [align=center,below,xshift=-8mm,yshift=5mm]{$loop$\\$x=10$\\ reset\{x\}} (l1)
(l2) edge [bend left] node[align=center] {$end$ \\ reset\{x,y\}} (l1);
\caption{Symbolic states representation before normalization}
node distance=7mm,
bend angle=20,auto,
place/.style={circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=blue!20,minimum size=10mm},
red place/.style={place,draw=red!75,fill=red!20}
every label/.style={red},
every node/.style={scale=.7},
dots/.style={fill=black,circle,inner sep=2pt},
initial text={}]
\node [right=5cm of l0](s0){$\ll l_1, x=y\gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s0](s1){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge x=y \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s1,xshift=-2cm](s2){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 10 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s2,xshift=0cm](s3){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 20 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s3,xshift=0cm](s4){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 30 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s4,xshift=0cm](s5){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 40 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s5,xshift=0cm](s6){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y > 20 \wedge y-x > 40 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of s6,xshift=3cm](s7){$\ll l_3, y=x \gg$};
\node [right=0cm of s6](s8){};
\path (s0) edge (s1)
(s1) edge (s2)
(s2) edge (s3)
(s3) edge (s4)
(s4) edge (s5)
(s5) edge (s6)
(s6) edge (s7)
(s8) edge[looseness=10,loop,right,out=-20,in=20](s8)
(s7)++(1,0) edge[bend right] ++(-5mm,4cm);
\caption{Symbolic states representation before normalization}
node distance=7mm,
bend angle=20,auto,
place/.style={circle,thick,draw=blue!75,fill=blue!20,minimum size=10mm},
red place/.style={place,draw=red!75,fill=red!20}
every label/.style={red},
every node/.style={scale=.7},
dots/.style={fill=black,circle,inner sep=2pt},
initial text={}]
\node [right=5cm of s0](t0){$\ll l_1, x=y\gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t0](t1){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge x=y \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t1,xshift=-2cm](t2){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 10 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t2,xshift=0cm](t3){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 20 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t3,xshift=0cm](t4){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 30 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t4,xshift=0cm](t5){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y \le 20 \wedge y-x = 40 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t5,xshift=0cm](t6){$\ll l_2, x \le 10 \wedge y > 20 \wedge y-x > 40 \gg$};
\node [below=3mm of t6,xshift=3cm](t7){$\ll l_3, y=x \gg$};
\node [right=0cm of t6](t8){};
\path (t0) edge (t1)
(t1) edge (t2)
(t2) edge (t3)
(t3) edge (t4)
(t4) edge (t5)
(t5) edge (t6)
(t6) edge (t7)
(t8) edge[looseness=10,loop,right,out=-20,in=20](t8)
(t7)++(1,0) edge[bend right] ++(-5mm,4cm);
\caption{Symbolic states representation after normalization}
\caption{An atomic component and its symbolic state representations}