axis y line = left,
axis x line = bottom,
xlabel = $V$,
ylabel = $P$,
samples = 500,
domain = 0.00005:0.0005,
xmin = 0, xmax = 0.00055,
ymin = 0, ymax = 5*10^6,
\addplot[name path=vdw, black, thick, mark=none, ] {vdw};
\addplot[name path=line, gray, no markers, line width=1pt] {2.0*10^6};
\addplot fill between[
of = vdw and line,
split, % calculate segments
every segment no 0/.style={white},
every segment no 1/.style={orange},
every segment no 2/.style={red},
every segment no 3/.style={white},
引用 PGFPLOTS 手册(第 5.6.8 节陷阱和局限性,第 390 页),
因此,如果您稍微减少样本数量(想象一下您的步骤中有 500 个样本,9x10^{-7}
太密集了),它将给出正确的结果。在这里,我选择samples = 200
axis y line = left,
axis x line = bottom,
xlabel = $V$,
ylabel = $P$,
samples = 200,
domain = 0.00005:0.0005,
xmin = 0, xmax = 0.00055,
ymin = 0, ymax = 5*10^6,
\addplot[name path=vdw, black, thick, mark=none, ] {vdw};
\addplot[name path=line, gray, no markers, line width=1pt] {2.0*10^6};
\addplot fill between[
of = vdw and line,
split, % calculate segments
every segment no 0/.style={white},
every segment no 1/.style={orange},
every segment no 2/.style={red},
every segment no 3/.style={white},