我可以在 bibtex 下的 natbib 中找到编辑器吗?

我可以在 bibtex 下的 natbib 中找到编辑器吗?

我在 bibtex 下使用 natbib。如果我想引用集合中的一篇文章,我会得到模板

author = {author},
title = {title},
booktitle = {booktitle},
OPTcrossref = {crossref},
OPTkey = {key},
OPTpages = {pages},
OPTpublisher = {publisher},
OPTyear = {year},
OPTeditor = {editor},
OPTvolume = {volume},
OPTnumber = {number},
OPTseries = {series},
OPTtype = {type},
OPTchapter = {chapter},
OPTaddress = {address},
OPTedition = {edition},
OPTmonth = {month},
OPTnote = {note},
OPTannote = {annote},



请尝试以下 MWE:

  author    = {Goossens, Michel and Mittelbach, Frank and 
               Samarin, Alexander},
  title     = {The LaTeX Companion},
  edition   = {1},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  location  = {Reading, Mass.},
  year      = {1994},
  title     = {The Restaurant at the End of the Universe},
  author    = {Douglas Adams},
  series    = {The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy},
  publisher = {Pan Macmillan},
  year      = {1980},
  editor    = {First Editor and Second Editor2 and Third Editor3},
  title     = {Test to show the effect},
  publisher = {Publisher},
  year      = {2015},
  ISBN      = {0-0000-000000-0},


  newcommands     % \RaggedRight=\raggedright etc. 
 ,newparameters   % use default settings of ragged2e
\usepackage{showframe}  % to visualise the typing area and margins


This is text with \cite{Goossens} and \cite{adams}.

\nocite{*} % to test all bib entrys
{\raggedright  % group to end left justification after bib
}              % ends group for left justified bibliography


在“测试”书中,您会看到以下行editor = {First Editor and Second Editor2 and Third Editor3},。结果是:


参见参考书目第 3 条。
