是否可以使用 Biblatex/Biber 并在文档代码内根据关键字向参考书目添加条目?

是否可以使用 Biblatex/Biber 并在文档代码内根据关键字向参考书目添加条目?








另一种可能性是使用 Biber 或其他工具准备一个.bib仅包含带有关键字的条目的文档特定文件。但是,如果将带有关键字的其他条目添加到我的主要数据库文件中,则需要重新创建该文件。

这是一个可以使用的 MWE,带有注释以表明我希望它工作的方式;)以及它(几乎)工作方式的缺点。


    author          =   {Watt, Brian},
    title           =   {Happy Times with Penguins},
    publisher       =   {Harvard University Press},
    address         =   {Cambridge, MA},
    year            =   1995,
    pagination      =   {section},
    keywords        =   {happy}}
  author                =   {Till, Jr., Dennis E.},
    booktitle           =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    title               =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    publisher           =   {Oxford University Press},
    year                =   2008,
    address             =   {Oxford and New York},
    keywords            =   {penguin, human}}
  author                =   {Harvey, Jr., Dennis E.},
    booktitle           =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    title               =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    publisher           =   {Someone \& Daughters},
    year                =   1567,
    address             =   {Oxford},
    bookpagination      =   {paragraph},
    keywords            =   {penguin}}


% what I would like to work
% \nocite[keyword=happy]
% \printbibliography

% what does work - except that \cite{old-stuff} is ignored and, more importantly, den-coll is added to the .bbl



更新:现在可以使用 biber 2.14/biblatex 3.14 来实现,它们都位于 github 上的各自开发文件夹中[1][2]

    author          =   {Watt, Brian},
    title           =   {Happy Times with Penguins},
    publisher       =   {Harvard University Press},
    address         =   {Cambridge, MA},
    year            =   1995,
    pagination      =   {section},
    keywords        =   {happy}}
  author                =   {Till, Jr., Dennis E.},
    booktitle           =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    title               =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    publisher           =   {Oxford University Press},
    year                =   2008,
    address             =   {Oxford and New York},
    keywords            =   {penguin, human}}
  author                =   {Harvey, Jr., Dennis E.},
    booktitle           =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    title               =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    publisher           =   {Someone \& Daughters},
    year                =   1567,
    address             =   {Oxford},
    bookpagination      =   {paragraph},
    keywords            =   {penguin}}

      \step[nocited, final]
      \step[fieldsource=keywords, notmatch=happy, final]









记得用 来运行它pdflatex --enable-write18

    author          =   {Watt, Brian},
    title           =   {Happy Times with Penguins},
    publisher       =   {Harvard University Press},
    address         =   {Cambridge, MA},
    year            =   1995,
    pagination      =   {section},
    keywords        =   {happy}}
  author                =   {Till, Jr., Dennis E.},
    booktitle           =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    title               =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    publisher           =   {Oxford University Press},
    year                =   2008,
    address             =   {Oxford and New York},
    keywords            =   {penguin, human}}
  author                =   {Harvey, Jr., Dennis E.},
    booktitle           =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    title               =   {Penguin Land and Further North: Human Influence},
    publisher           =   {Someone \& Daughters},
    year                =   1567,
    address             =   {Oxford},
    bookpagination      =   {paragraph},
    keywords            =   {penguin}}
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::BibTeX;
my $keyword = "happy"; # set keyword here
my $bibfile = Text::BibTeX::File->new("allentries.bib");
my $keywordcitefile = "keywordcites.tex";
open(my $fh, '>', $keywordcitefile) or
    die "Could not open file '$keywordcitefile' $!";
my $keywords;
my $entry;
while ($entry = Text::BibTeX::Entry->new($bibfile)) {
    next unless $entry->parse_ok;
    if ($entry->get("keywords")) {
        $keywords = "," . $entry->get("keywords") . ",";
        if ($keywords =~ /,$keyword,/) {
            print $fh "\\nocite{" . $entry->key . "}\n";
close $fh;
\immediate\write18{/usr/bin/perl citekeyword.pl}

