




 Before scientists can develop medicines or engineers can advance
 technology, they throw numbers onto whiteboards using concepts laid
 out by mathematicians sometimes centuries earlier. Generations of
 school children will disagree, but no other field of study has played
 a bigger role in changing the course of history as mathematics. We've
 identified the 20 mathematicians responsible for the modern world.

 Issac Newton   :   While not exactly obscure, this list would be
 incomplete without a mention of Sir Issac Newton, the English luminary
 of the Scientific Revolution. Newton developed early physics, a
 scientific method, the theory of universal gravitation, and

 Gottfried Leibniz  :   Invented infinitesimal calculus independent of
 Englishman Sir Issac Newton. His notation is still widely used

 Leonhard Euler :   A Swiss mathematician who spent most of his life in
 Russia, Leonhard Euler is considered the preeminent mathematician of
 his generation...

使用 MS Word 很容易做到这一点,但我不知道如何使用 LaTeX 做到这一点。我试过在线搜索,但找不到任何 TeX 网站讨论此事。我突然想到使用这个代码





\SetLabelAlign{myleft}{\strut\smash{\mbox{}\hspace{\parindent}\parbox[t]\labelwidth{\mysquare \, \raggedright#1\hfill :}}}
  Before scientists can develop medicines or engineers can advance technology, they throw numbers onto whiteboards using concepts laid out by mathematicians sometimes centuries earlier. Generations of school children will disagree, but no other field of study has played a bigger role in changing the course of history as mathematics. We've identified the 20 mathematicians responsible for the modern world.
  \item[Issac Newton]  While not exactly obscure, this list would be incomplete without a mention of Sir Issac Newton, the English luminary of the Scientific Revolution. Newton developed early physics, a scientific method, the theory of universal gravitation, and calculus...
  \item[Gottfried Leibniz] Invented infinitesimal calculus independent of Englishman Sir Issac Newton. His
      notation is still widely used today...
   \item[Leonhard Euler]  A Swiss mathematician who spent most of his life in Russia, Leonhard Euler is considered the preeminent mathematician of his generation...



  1. 我使用包定义了一个正方形。使用 和命令(来自包)amssymb调整了它的大小并稍微凸起了一些。\scalebox\raiseboxgraphicx
  2. \item为as的参数定义一个对齐方式myleft,并具有适当的宽度(此处为 3.5cm,适当调整)。
  3. 用作myleft对齐方式并labelwidth适当调整 leftmargin`。如果您更改 3.5cm,请在此处也进行更改。


%\renewcommand{\themycount}{\arabic{mycount}}  % for numbers
\renewcommand{\themycount}{\alph{mycount}} % for alphabets

\SetLabelAlign{myleft}{\strut\smash{\mbox{}\hspace{\parindent}\parbox[t]\labelwidth{\mysquare \, \raggedright#1\hfill :}}}
  Before scientists can develop medicines or engineers can advance technology, they throw numbers onto whiteboards using concepts laid out by mathematicians sometimes centuries earlier. Generations of school children will disagree, but no other field of study has played a bigger role in changing the course of history as mathematics. We've identified the 20 mathematicians responsible for the modern world.
  \item[Issac Newton]  While not exactly obscure, this list would be incomplete without a mention of Sir Issac Newton, the English luminary of the Scientific Revolution. Newton developed early physics, a scientific method, the theory of universal gravitation, and calculus...
  \item[Gottfried Leibniz] Invented infinitesimal calculus independent of Englishman Sir Issac Newton. His
      notation is still widely used today...
   \item[Leonhard Euler]  A Swiss mathematician who spent most of his life in Russia, Leonhard Euler is considered the preeminent mathematician of his generation...


