可视化目录(tikz 思维导图) - 输出问题

可视化目录(tikz 思维导图) - 输出问题


我从这里并删除了最后一部分(\part {Model-building Methods}):

 \documentclass[12pt,oneside, tikz, ignorerest=false]{standalone}


% \usepackage{hyperref}% if links are wanted


\newcommand*\treenode {}  % just to check we don't overwrite something
\newcommand*\tmprotate {} % just to check we don't overwrite something
\newcommand*\tmpoption {} % just to check we don't overwrite something
\newcommand*\tmpstuff  {} % just to check we don't overwrite something

\newcommand*\appendtotok[2]{% #1=toks variable, #2=macro, expands once #2
  #1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\the\expandafter #1#2}}

% this is to construct "t1 child [concept color= #3]{t2}" from #1=t1 and #2=t2
% t1 and t2 are two toks variable (not macros)
% #3 = for example teal!60
   \edef\tmpstuff {\the#1 child [concept color = #3]{\the#2}}%
   #1\expandafter {\tmpstuff }%


  {\toks0 \expandafter{\etocthelinkednumber}%
   \toks2 \expandafter{\etocthelinkedname }%
   \or  \def\tmpoption {}%
        \def\tmprotate {}% first
   \or  \def\tmpoption {[concept]}%
        \def\tmprotate {[clockwise from = 60]}% second
   \else\def\tmpoption {}%
        \def\tmprotate {[counterclockwise from = 90]}% third and higher
% define the part node
   \edef\treenode{node \tmpoption {\the\toks0. \the\toks2} \tmprotate }%
% this is a starting point which will be filled it by the section children

  {\toks0 \expandafter{\etocthelinkednumber}%
   \toks2 \expandafter{\etocthelinkedname }%
% define the section node
   \edef\treenode {node {\the\toks0 \space\the\toks2}}
% update current part tree with this section node, adding the correct color
   \or \appendchildtree\parttok\sectiontok {teal!30}% first
   \or \appendchildtree\parttok\sectiontok {yellow!40}% second
   \else\appendchildtree\parttok\sectiontok {green!30}% third etc...
   \fi }
% This updates the global tree with the data  from the
% part and all its children sections
   \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {teal!60}%   first
   \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {yellow!80}% second
   \else\appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {green!50}% third and next ...

  {\treetok{\node{\textbf{Discrete Data Analysis with R}} [clockwise from=60]}}
  {\global\appendtotok\treetok{ ;}}
% The \global above is mandatory because etoc always typesets TOC inside a group


% \showthe\treetok % debugging

\begin{tikzpicture}[grow cyclic, text width=2cm, 
                    align=flush center, 
                    every node/.style=concept, 
                    concept color=orange!60,
                    level 1/.style={level distance=7cm,sibling angle=120},
                    level 2/.style={level distance=4cm,sibling angle=45}]


\part {Getting Started}
\section {Introduction}
\section {Working with Categorical Data}
\section {Discrete Distributions}

\part {Exploratory  Methods}
\section {Two-way Contingency Tables}
\section {Mosaic Displays}
\section {Correspondence Analysis}

\part {Model-building Methods}








\documentclass[12pt,oneside, tikz, ignorerest=false]{standalone}


% \usepackage{hyperref}% if links are wanted


\newcommand*\treenode {}  % just to check we don't overwrite something
\newcommand*\tmprotate {} % just to check we don't overwrite something
\newcommand*\tmpoption {} % just to check we don't overwrite something
\newcommand*\tmpstuff  {} % just to check we don't overwrite something

\newcommand*\appendtotok[2]{% #1=toks variable, #2=macro, expands once #2
  #1\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\the\expandafter #1#2}}

% this is to construct "t1 child [concept color= #3]{t2}" from #1=t1 and #2=t2
% t1 and t2 are two toks variable (not macros)
% #3 = for example teal!60
   \edef\tmpstuff {\the#1 child [concept color = #3]{\the#2}}%
   #1\expandafter {\tmpstuff }%


% This updates the global tree with the data  from the
% previous part and all its children sections
   \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {teal!60}%   first
   \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {yellow!80}% second
   \else\appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {green!50}% third and next ...
  {\toks0 \expandafter{\etocthelinkednumber}%
   \toks2 \expandafter{\etocthelinkedname }%
   \or  \def\tmpoption {}%
        \def\tmprotate {}% first
   \or  \def\tmpoption {[concept]}%
        \def\tmprotate {[clockwise from = 60]}% second
   \else\def\tmpoption {}%
        \def\tmprotate {[counterclockwise from = 90]}% third and higher
% define the part node
   \edef\treenode{node \tmpoption {\the\toks0. \the\toks2} \tmprotate }%
% this is a starting point which will be filled it by the section children
% This updates the global tree with the data  from the
% last part and all its children sections
   \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {teal!60}%   first
   \or \appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {yellow!80}% second
   \else\appendchildtree\treetok\parttok {green!50}% third and next ...

  {\toks0 \expandafter{\etocthelinkednumber}%
   \toks2 \expandafter{\etocthelinkedname }%
% define the section node
   \edef\treenode {node {\the\toks0 \space\the\toks2}}
% update current part tree with this section node, adding the correct color
   \or \appendchildtree\parttok\sectiontok {teal!30}% first
   \or \appendchildtree\parttok\sectiontok {yellow!40}% second
   \else\appendchildtree\parttok\sectiontok {green!30}% third etc...
   \fi }

  {\treetok{\node{\textbf{Discrete Data Analysis with R}} [clockwise from=60]}}
  {\global\appendtotok\treetok{ ;}}
% The \global above is mandatory because etoc always typesets TOC inside a group


% \showthe\treetok % debugging

\begin{tikzpicture}[grow cyclic, text width=2cm, 
                    align=flush center, 
                    every node/.style=concept, 
                    concept color=orange!60,
                    level 1/.style={level distance=7cm,sibling angle=120},
                    level 2/.style={level distance=4cm,sibling angle=45}]


\part {Getting Started}
\section {Introduction}
\section {Working with Categorical Data}
\section {Discrete Distributions}

\part {Exploratory  Methods}
\section {Two-way Contingency Tables}
\section {Mosaic Displays}
\section {Correspondence Analysis}

\part {Model-building Methods}


