使用和不使用 threeparttable 的表格格式

使用和不使用 threeparttable 的表格格式

我一直在尝试用 LaTeX 生成附加表格。我用两种方法完成了这项工作,并且对这两种方法都进行了查询。第一种方法我没有使用该threeparttable包,第二种方法我使用了它。这是因为当我在表格下搜索添加注释的帮助时,我才知道,threeparttable而这几乎是我即将完成第一种方法的时候。

首先,我有一个普遍的问题,即我该如何格式化第一列中未左对齐的文本?我的意思是包含以下项目的文本(石油、烟煤、褐煤等)。我想与我在这两个代码中所做的方法相比,一定有更好的方法可以做到这一点。我过去常常\ 添加空格,直到文本处于我想要的位置。





\usepackage{array, multirow}


\begin{table}{\bfseries Primary Energy Consumption}\\[0.1ex] 
\begin{tabular*}{118 mm}{p{40mm}@{\hspace{30mm}} llrr @{}} 

Energy Source &1975 &1980 &1986\\[-0.1ex]

Total Consumption\\
 (in million tons of BCU$^{a}$) of which (percentages) \parbox[t]{15mm} &347.7 &390.2 &285.0\\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   petroleum &52.1 &47.6 &43.2\\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   bituminous coal &19.1 &19.8 &20.0 \\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   brown coal &9.9 &10.0 &8.6 \\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   natural gas &14.2 &16.5 &15.1 \\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   nuclear energy &2.0 &3.7 &10.1 \\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   other$^{b}$ &2.7 &2.4 &3.0 \\ \cline{1-1}

\multicolumn{4}{p{.9\textwidth}}{$^{a}$BCU = Bituminous Coal Unit (1 ton BCU corresponds to the heating equivalent of 1 ton of bituminous coal = 8140 kwh) $^{b}$Wind, water, solar energy, etc.}


\emph{Source:} Energy Balance Study Group, Essen 1987. 




\usepackage{array, multirow}


\caption{Primary Energy Consumption}

\begin{tabular*}{118 mm}{p{40mm}@{\hspace{30mm}} llrr @{}} 

Energy Source &1975 &1980 &1986\\[-0.1ex]


Total Consumption\\
 (in million tons of BCU$^{a}$) of which (percentages) \parbox[t]{15mm} &347.7 &390.2 &285.0\\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   petroleum &52.1 &47.6 &43.2\\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   bituminous coal &19.1 &19.8 &20.0 \\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   brown coal &9.9 &10.0 &8.6 \\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   natural gas &14.2 &16.5 &15.1 \\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   nuclear energy &2.0 &3.7 &10.1 \\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   other$^{b}$ &2.7 &2.4 &3.0 \\

\end{tabular*} %\\[0.1ex]


\item $^{a}$BCU = Bituminous Coal Unit (1 ton BCU corresponds to the heating equivalent of 1 ton of bituminous coal = 8140 kwh

\item $^{b}$Wind, water, solar energy, etc.

\emph{Source:} Energy Balance Study Group, Essen 1987. 





% arara: pdflatex


            \caption[Primary Energy Consumption]{Primary Energy Consumption (\emph{Source:} Energy Balance Study Group, Essen 1987.)}           
            \begin{tabular}{p{1.5cm}l*{3}{S[table-format=3.1]}} % adapt the tabbing width with the p column!
                \multicolumn{2}{l}{Energy Source} & {1975} & {1980} & {1986} \\             
                \multicolumn{2}{l}{Total Consumption} & & & \\
                \multicolumn{2}{l}{(in million tons of BCU\tnote{a}~)} & 347.7 & 390.2 & 285.0 \\ 
                \multicolumn{2}{l}{of which (percentages)} & & & \\
                & petroleum       & 52.1 & 47.6 & 43.2 \\
                & bituminous coal & 19.1 & 19.8 & 20.0 \\
                & brown coal      & 9.9  & 10.0 & 8.6  \\
                & natural gas     & 14.2 & 16.5 & 15.1 \\
                & nuclear energy  & 2.0  & 3.7  & 10.1 \\
                & other\tnote{b}  & 2.7  & 2.4  & 3.0  \\
                \item[a] BCU = Bituminous Coal Unit (\SI{1}{\tonne} BCU corresponds to the heating equivalent of \SI{1}{\tonne} of bituminous coal $= \SI{8140}{\kilo\watt\hour}$               
                \item[b] Wind, water, solar energy, etc.



编辑:或者,如果您希望将“(百分比)”与下面的行对齐(感谢 Enrico):

        \caption[Primary Energy Consumption]{Primary Energy Consumption (\emph{Source:} Energy Balance Study Group, Essen 1987.)}           
        \begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{.4cm}}l*{3}{S[table-format=3.1]}} % adapt the tabbing width with the \hspace
            \multicolumn{2}{l}{Energy Source} & {1975} & {1980} & {1986} \\             
            \multicolumn{2}{l}{Total Consumption} & & & \\
            \multicolumn{2}{l}{(in million tons of BCU\tnote{a}~)} & 347.7 & 390.2 & 285.0 \\ 
            of which & (percentages) & & & \\
            & petroleum       & 52.1 & 47.6 & 43.2 \\
            & bituminous coal & 19.1 & 19.8 & 20.0 \\
            & brown coal      & 9.9  & 10.0 & 8.6  \\
            & natural gas     & 14.2 & 16.5 & 15.1 \\
            & nuclear energy  & 2.0  & 3.7  & 10.1 \\
            & other\tnote{b}  & 2.7  & 2.4  & 3.0  \\
            \item[a] BCU = Bituminous Coal Unit (\SI{1}{\tonne} BCU corresponds to the heating equivalent of \SI{1}{\tonne} of bituminous coal $= \SI{8140}{\kilo\watt\hour}$               
            \item[b] Wind, water, solar energy, etc.
