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{\vskip 40\p@}
{\vskip 40\p@\stepcounter{chapshift}}{}{}
\part{Part One}
\section{This is how we do it}
\chapter{Some Sample Code}
\part{Part Two}
\renewcommand\chaptermark[1]{\markboth{\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries \appendixname~\thechapter}{}}
\chapter{This is Appendix A}
\chapter{This is Appendix B}
样式。例如,以下内容将删除它的所有痕迹 - 页眉和页脚,以及规则:
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% redefinition of \chaptermark to contain only the title
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% Removes the header from odd empty pages at the end of chapters
{\vskip 40\p@}
{\vskip 40\p@\stepcounter{chapshift}}{}{}
\part{Part One}
\section{This is how we do it}
\chapter{Some Sample Code}
\part{Part Two}
\renewcommand\chaptermark[1]{\markboth{\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries \appendixname~\thechapter}{}}
\chapter{This is Appendix A}
\chapter{This is Appendix B}
% Your page style settings here...