\usepackage{array, booktabs}
\newcommand{\foo}{\color{LightSteelBlue3}\makebox[0pt]{\textbullet}\hskip-0.5pt\vrule width 1pt\hspace{\labelsep}}
\newcommand{\HRule}{\rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm}} % Defines a new command for the horizontal lines, change thickness here
\center % Center everything on the page
\textsc{\LARGE University of Abertay}\\[1.5cm] % Name of your university/college
\textsc{\Large BSC Web Development}\\[0.5cm] % Major heading such as course name
\HRule \\[0.4cm]
{ \huge \bfseries Key social media concepts, technologies and strategies}\\[0.4cm] % Title of your document
\HRule \\[1.5cm]
\begin{flushleft} \large
Joshua \textsc{Dempsey} % Your name
\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Supervisor:} \\
Shona \textsc{Irvine} % Supervisor's Name
% If you don't want a supervisor, uncomment the two lines below and remove the section above
%\Large \emph{Author:}\\
%John \textsc{Smith}\\[3cm] % Your name
{\large \today}\\[2cm] % Date, change the \today to a set date if you want to be precise
\includegraphics[width=5cm,height=4cm]{logo.png} % Include a department/university logo - this will require the graphicx package
\vfill % Fill the rest of the page with whitespace
The aim of this research is to establish the history behind social media and examine its evolution through the ages to the current day. I will also reflect on social media's use in society today and examine the ways in which social media negatively and positively affects our lives.
To conduct my research I will utilise numerous third party websites \\- all of which will be referenced at the end of the document. I will also rely on personal anecdotes from myself and friends. Any information not referenced can be assumed to be a personal anecdote.
\section{Evolution of social media}
Whether it's \textbf{\textit{"checking in"}} to a restaurant they are visiting, posting pictures from a holiday, live streaming a sports event or communicating with relatives on the other side of the world, it's fair to say that most people do not appreciate the history behind social media and take it for granted.
Behind all of the worlds most popular social media applications however, lies a great deal of history, dating all the way back to the stone ages. Below is a time line detailing the spectacular and fast paced history and evolution of social media, and underneath a brief description of the events included on the time line.
\captionsetup{singlelinecheck=false, font=blue, labelfont=sc, labelsep=quad}
\caption{Timeline of Social Media}\vskip -1.5ex
\begin{tabular}{@{\,}r <{\hskip 4pt} !{\foo} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{7cm}}
Late 70's & Bulletin Board Systems \textbf{\textit{"BBS"}} were initially conceived \\
1979 & Usenet was developed by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis \\
1980's & Compuserve and Prodigy were launched \\
1985 & Genie was created and launched by General Electric \\
1988 & IRC was created \\
1990's & ICQ was developed in the mid 1990's \\
1997 & Six degrees was launched \\
1997 - 2001 & AsianAvenue, MiGente, BlackPlanet \\
1999 & LiveJournal was created\\
2000 & Many social games were becoming increasingly popular \\
2002 & Friendster was launched \\
2003 & Hi5, LinkedIn, Myspace, PhotoBucket were all launched \\
2004 & Facebook, Orkut, Flickr were launched \\
2005 & YouTube, Reddit were launched \\
2006 & Twitter, uStream were launched \\
2007 & Tumblr was launched \\
2010 & Pinterest launched \\
2011 & Snapchat, Google+ launched \\
2012 & Dating app Tinder launched \\
2015 & Periscope launched
As we can see, the history and evolution is one that is long and chequered. The timeline above is by no means exhaustive and is only showing the main applications and services which people have used the world over - there is a whole world of smaller, more localised applications and services that are out-with the remit of this report.
上面是我正在编写的报告的一些代码。让我感到困惑的是:在 Latex 文档中,表格出现在以“我们可以看到,历史和演变是漫长而复杂的...”开头的段落之前,但是输出却将其翻转,因此文本出现在表格之前。我尝试过谷歌搜索并在线寻找解决方案,但作为 Latex 的新用户,我不太确定从哪里开始。
环境组成,右侧列“仅”7cm宽,迫使相当多的行“换行”)太高,无法放在已经包含节标题和两个段落的页面上。那么,LaTeX 能做的最好的事情就是将table
\usepackage{array, booktabs, longtable}
\vrule width 1pt
\section{Evolution of social media}
Whether it's \textbf{\textit{``checking in''}} to a restaurant they are visiting, posting pictures from a holiday, live streaming a sports event or communicating with relatives on the other side of the world, it's fair to say that most people do not appreciate the history behind social media and take it for granted.
Behind all of the world's most popular social media applications, however, lies a great deal of history, dating all the way back to the stone age. Below is a time line detailing the spectacular and fast paced history and evolution of social media, and underneath a brief description of the events included on the time line.
\captionsetup{font=blue, labelfont=sc, labelsep=quad}
\begin{longtable}{r <{\hspace{4pt}} !{\foo}
\caption{Timeline of Social Media\label{tab:1}}\\
\caption*{(Table \ref{tab:1}, continued)}\\
Late 70's & Bulletin Board Systems \textbf{\textit{``BBS''}} initially conceived \\
1979 & Usenet developed by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis \\
1980's & Compuserve and Prodigy launched \\
1985 & Genie created and launched by General Electric \\
1988 & IRC created \\
1990's & ICQ developed in the mid 1990's \\
1997 & Six degrees launched \\
1997--2001 & AsianAvenue, MiGente, BlackPlanet \\
1999 & LiveJournal created\\
2000 & Many social games becoming increasingly popular \\
2002 & Friendster launched \\
2003 & Hi5, LinkedIn, Myspace, PhotoBucket all launched \\
2004 & Facebook, Orkut, Flickr launched \\
2005 & YouTube, Reddit launched \\
2006 & Twitter, uStream launched \\
2007 & Tumblr launched \\
2010 & Pinterest launched \\
2011 & Snapchat, Google+ launched \\
2012 & Dating app Tinder launched \\
2015 & Periscope launched\\
As we can see, the history and evolution are long and chequered. The timeline is by no means exhaustive, and it only shows the main applications and services which people have used the world over---there is a whole world of smaller, more localised applications and services that are out---with the remit of this report.
\usepackage{array, booktabs}
\newcommand{\foo}{\color{LightSteelBlue3}\makebox[0pt]{\textbullet}\hskip-0.5pt\vrule width 1pt\hspace{\labelsep}}
\newcommand{\HRule}{\rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm}} % Defines a new command for the horizontal lines, change thickness here
\centering % Center everything on the page
\textsc{\LARGE University of Abertay}\\[1.5cm] % Name of your university/college
\textsc{\Large BSC Web Development}\\[0.5cm] % Major heading such as course name
\HRule \\[0.4cm]
{ \huge \bfseries Key social media concepts, technologies and strategies}\\[0.4cm] % Title of your document
\HRule \\[1.5cm]
\begin{flushleft} \large
Joshua \textsc{Dempsey} % Your name
\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Supervisor:} \\
Shona \textsc{Irvine} % Supervisor's Name
% If you don't want a supervisor, uncomment the two lines below and remove the section above
%\Large \emph{Author:}\\
%John \textsc{Smith}\\[3cm] % Your name
{\large \today}\\[2cm] % Date, change the \today to a set date if you want to be precise
%\includegraphics[width=5cm,height=4cm]{logo.png} % Include a department/university logo - this will require the graphicx package
\vfill % Fill the rest of the page with whitespace
The aim of this research is to establish the history behind social media and examine its evolution through the ages to the current day. I will also reflect on social media's use in society today and examine the ways in which social media negatively and positively affects our lives.
To conduct my research I will utilise numerous third party websites -- all of which will be referenced at the end of the document. I will also rely on personal anecdotes from myself and friends. Any information not referenced can be assumed to be a personal anecdote.
\section{Evolution of social media}
Whether it's \textbf{\textit{“checking in”}} to a restaurant they are visiting, posting pictures from a holiday, live streaming a sports event or communicating with relatives on the other side of the world, it's fair to say that most people do not appreciate the history behind social media and take it for granted.
Behind all of the worlds most popular social media applications however, lies a great deal of history, dating all the way back to the stone ages. Below is a time line detailing the spectacular and fast paced history and evolution of social media, and underneath a brief description of the events included on the time line.
\captionsetup{singlelinecheck=false, font=blue, labelfont=sc, labelsep=quad}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{\,}r <{\hskip 4pt} !{\foo} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}%p{10cm}
\caption{Timeline of Social Media}\vspace*{-1ex}
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\color{LightSteelBlue3}Timeline of Social Media\quad(continued)\vspace{1ex}}
\multicolumn{2}{r}{\footnotesize\itshape To be continued}
Late 70's & Bulletin Board Systems \textbf{\textit{“BBS”}} were initially conceived \\
1979 & Usenet was developed by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis \\
1980's & Compuserve and Prodigy were launched \\
1985 & Genie was created and launched by General Electric \\
1988 & IRC was created \\
1990's & ICQ was developed in the mid 1990's \\
1997 & Six degrees was launched \\
1997--2001 & AsianAvenue, MiGente, BlackPlanet \\
1999 & LiveJournal was created \\
2000 & Many social games were becoming increasingly popular \\
2002 & Friendster was launched \\
2003 & Hi5, LinkedIn, Myspace, PhotoBucket were all launched \\
2004 & Facebook, Orkut, Flickr were launched \\
2005 & YouTube, Reddit were launched \\
2006 & Twitter, uStream were launched \\
2007 & Tumblr was launched \\
2010 & Pinterest launched \\
2011 & Snapchat, Google+ launched \\
2012 & Dating app Tinder launched \\
2015 & Periscope launched
As we can see, the history and evolution is one that is long and chequered. The timeline above is by no means exhaustive and is only showing the main applications and services which people have used the world over - there is a whole world of smaller, more localised applications and services that are out-with the remit of this report.