Beamer 海报中带有 tipa 的 IPA 字符切换为小字体大小,无法设置为正常字体大小

Beamer 海报中带有 tipa 的 IPA 字符切换为小字体大小,无法设置为正常字体大小

我使用包是tipa为了可以使用 IPA 字符。但是,当与beamer海报一起使用时,tipa字符会切换到小字体大小。将它们设置为其他字体大小仍会使 IPA 字符保持小尺寸(尽管普通字符现在打印得更大)。


\mode<presentation> {  

\usepackage[orientation=portrait,size=a0,scale=1.4,debug] {beamerposter}                       % e.g. for DIN-A0 poster




\begin{block}{\large Title}
\textless Causeway is\textgreater ~pronounced as \textipa{[k\textopeno zwe\textsci \textglotstop \textsci z]}



tipa 字体无衬线版的字体定义文件假定它们不可缩放,但在现代 TeX 发行版中,它们是可缩放的。因此只需告诉 LaTeX 即可。

\mode<presentation> {  

\usepackage[orientation=portrait,size=a0,scale=1.4,debug] {beamerposter}                       % e.g. for DIN-A0 poster


  <-8.5> tipass8
  <8.5-9.5> tipass9
  <9.5-11> tipass10
  <11-15> tipass12
  <15-> tipass17
  <-> tipasb10
  <-> tipasi10
  <-> sub * cmss/m/sl



\begin{block}{\large Title}
\textless Causeway is\textgreater ~pronounced as 
\textipa{[k\textopeno zwe\textsci \textglotstop \textsci z]}




Alan Munn 建议使用 Unicode 字体,由于使用起来有一些技巧,下面介绍一下具体方法。这样还可以获得很多其他好处,例如能够输入 Unicode 源并正确地从文件中复制 IPA。

\mode<presentation> {    

\usepackage[orientation=portrait,size=a0,scale=1.4,debug] {beamerposter}                       % e.g. for DIN-A0 poster

% Changes here:
\usepackage{fontspec}       % Apparently defines most aliases from TIPA.

%% I chose DejaVu Sans here because it matches the sans-serif font of the
%% theme you’re using (it’s slightly heavier), has full support for IPA, and
%% is widely available.  Another good choice is Charis SIL.

\newfontfamily\ipafamily{DejaVu Sans}[Scale=MatchLowercase]

%% Switch to a font with IPA symbols that match the other glyphs, and sets it
%% to the same x-height as the main font.




\begin{block}{\large Title}
\textless{}Causeway is\textgreater ~pronounced as \ipa{[k\textopeno zwe\textsci \textglotstop \textsci z] or [kɑzweɪʔz]}


我该如何发音 Causeway?
