\RequirePackage[l2tabu,orthodox]{nag} % Complains about deprecated packages
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% Required preamble part for any document using the `oilnet' style
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\OWuniversity{Universität Leipzig}
\OWfaculty{Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Orientwissenschaften}
\OWinstitute{Orientalisches Institut}
\title{Blah Blah \dmg{ʾImrūʾu l-Qays b. Ḥuǧr al-Kindī} Wein-, Weib- und Gesangsdichtung Blah Blah}
\OWassessor{Dr. Montag Dienstag Freitag}
\author{Peter Student}
\OWemailaddress{[email protected]}
\OWstreetandhousenumber{Sonnenstraße 123}
\OWpostcodeandcity{12345 Wintergarten}
% Needs to be set *here* for dependency reasons
% Universal Fixes
\usepackage{fixltx2e} % Corrects LaTeX2e bugs and quirks
\usepackage{ifxetex} % Checks if XeTeX/XeLaTeX is the compiler-of-choice
% Unicode, i18n, etc.
% Layout and Format
% \usepackage{csquotes} % Fixes inline and display quotations - doesn't work atm, reason unknown
\usepackage[absolute]{textpos} % For "\textblock"s, which can be freely positioned on the page
% Math
\usepackage{amsmath} % Swiss-knife math package
% Graphics
\usepackage{graphicx} % Allows inserting of graphics and images
% Tables and Figures
\usepackage{booktabs} % For drawing nice tables with proper line weights
\usepackage{flafter} % To ensure that figures float only after they are defined/referenced
\usepackage{tabu} % Provides better control for tables and column widths
\usepackage{longtable} % Allows tables to span across pages - integrates with tabu
\usepackage{multicol} % Allows spanning columns in tables
% Referencing
\usepackage[longnamesfirst]{natbib} % Reimplements \cite to work with author-year and numerical citations
% Fonts and Typography
\usepackage{ellipsis} % Fixes space uneveness around ellipses
\usepackage{url} % Allows encapsulated URLs to break across lines
\usepackage[colorlinks,hypertexnames=false,plainpages=false]{hyperref} % Converts \url references to valid hyperlinks in PDF documents
\usepackage{fontspec} % Allows usage of system opentype/truetype fonts
% Things to use during development
\newcommand{\latin}[1]{{\emph{#1}}} % For easier handling of how latin phrases are formatted
\newcommand{\dmg}[1]{{\emph{#1}}} % The same for DMG transliteration
% (etc...)
\selectlanguage{german} % Must be German according to UL style guide.
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{\Large \@OWinstitute} \\
{\LARGE \@OWtypeofwork} \\
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{\normalsize {\@title}} \\
% (etc...)
\selectlanguage{\@OWdefaultlanguage} % Back to whatever the document is written in.