\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3cm,on grid,auto]
\node[state,initial] (q_1,q_4) {$q_1$,$q_4$};
\node[state] (q_2,q_5) [right=of (q_1,q_4)] {$q_2$,$q_5$};
\node[state,accepting] (q_3,q_6) [right=of (q_2,q_5)] {$q_3$,$q_6$};
\node[state] (q_3,q_7) [right=of (q_3,q_6)] {$q_3$,$q_7$};
\node[state] (q_2,q_4) [below=of (q_1,q_4)] {$q_2$,$q_4$};
\node[state,accepting] (q_3,q_5) [below=of (q_2,q_4)] {$q_3$,$q_5$};
\node[state,accepting] (q_3,q_4) [below=of (q_3,q_6)] {$q_3$,$q_4$};
\path[->] (q_1,q_4) edge [bend right=30] node[above][align=center] {a} (q_2,q_5)
edge node {b} (q_2,q_4)
(q_2,q_5) edge [bend left=30] node[below] {b} (q_1,q_4)
edge [bend right=30] node[above] {a} (q_3,q_6)
(q_3,q_6) edge [bend right=30] node[text width=1cm,align=center] {a} (q_3,q_7)
edge node [align=center] {b} (q_3,q_4)
(q_3,q_4) edge [bend left=30]node[below][align=left] {a} (q_3,q_5)
edge [loop above] node[text width=1cm,align=center] {b} (q_3,q_4)
(q_3,q_5) edge node {a}(q_3,q_6)
edge node {b} (q_3,q_4)
(q_2,q_4) edge [bend left=30] node[below] {b} (q_1,q_4)
edge node {a} (q_3,q_5)
(q_3,q_7) edge [loop above] node[above][text width=1cm,align=center] {a,b} (q_3,q_7);
- 节点名称不能包含逗号。
below = of
并且left = of
\begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=3cm,on grid,auto]
\node[state,initial] (q_1_q_4) {$q_1$,$q_4$};
\node[state] (q_2_q_5) [right=of q_1_q_4] {$q_2$,$q_5$};
\node[state,accepting] (q_3_q_6) [right=of q_2_q_5] {$q_3$,$q_6$};
\node[state] (q_3_q_7) [right=of q_3_q_6] {$q_3$,$q_7$};
\node[state] (q_2_q_4) [below=of q_1_q_4] {$q_2$,$q_4$};
\node[state,accepting] (q_3_q_5) [below=of q_2_q_4] {$q_3$,$q_5$};
\node[state,accepting] (q_3_q_4) [below=of q_3_q_6] {$q_3$,$q_4$};
\path[->] (q_1_q_4) edge [bend right=30] node[above][align=center] {a} (q_2_q_5)
edge node {b} (q_2_q_4)
(q_2_q_5) edge [bend left=30] node[below] {b} (q_1_q_4)
edge [bend right=30] node[above] {a} (q_3_q_6)
(q_3_q_6) edge [bend right=30] node[text width=1cm,align=center] {a} (q_3_q_7)
edge node [align=center] {b} (q_3_q_4)
(q_3_q_4) edge [bend left=30]node[below][align=left] {a} (q_3_q_5)
edge [loop above] node[text width=1cm,align=center] {b} (q_3_q_4)
(q_3_q_5) edge node {a}(q_3_q_6)
edge node {b} (q_3_q_4)
(q_2_q_4) edge [bend left=30] node[below] {b} (q_1_q_4)
edge node {a} (q_3_q_5)
(q_3_q_7) edge [loop above] node[above][text width=1cm,align=center] {a,b} (q_3_q_7);