当我尝试在运行 TexLive2015 的 Mac OS/X 的 texpad 上编译(XeLaTeX)我的论文时收到这些错误消息,这是我得到的:
./Dissertation.tex:94: Incomplete \iffalse; all text was ignored after line 290.
<inserted text>
l.94 \begin{document}
./Dissertation.tex:94: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
\blx@dopreamblecmds ->\do \blx@dopreamblecmds
\do \blx@onlypreamble
l.94 \begin{document}
No pages of output.
Package biblatex Warning: File 'Dissertation.bbl' is wrong format version - expected 2.5.
Package biblatex Warning: The following entry could not be found
(biblatex) in the database:
(biblatex) type X <return> to quit.
(biblatex) Please verify the spelling and rerun
(biblatex) LaTeX afterwards.
在 dissertation.bbl 文件的末尾我发现了这个错误:
\missing{type X <return> to quit.}\GenericError { }{LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Try typing <return> to proceed.\MessageBreak If that doesn't work}
\missing{\subsubsectionblock \def subsubsection{subsubsection}\par \@tempskipa \beforesubsubsecskip \relax \let \GenericError { }{LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item}{See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.}{Try typing <return> to proceed.\MessageBreak If that doesn't work}
\missing{The marquis Federico Cavriani's views}
\missing{type X <return> to quit.}\let \reserved@d =*\def \par}
但我很难理解为什么 \iffalse 和“Tex 容量超出”错误会同时出现。为了遵守研究生院的格式规则,我使用了大学的模板。我尝试将此模板改编为人文学科的论文,并添加了必要的软件包。
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%!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%for non-italicized headings%%%%%
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/32655/remove-italic-from-memoir-headings-pagestyle
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