我的图形很长,中间的某些部分不需要,我希望两个部分彼此靠近(如图所示)。如何在 tikz 中实现?
\foreach \Value [count=\xi] in {#5,\Second,...,#6}
\path[overlay,name path=line\xi]
(\Value,100) -- (\Value,-100);
\path[name intersections={of=#2 and line\xi,by={1\xi}}];
\path[name intersections={of=#3 and line\xi,by={2\xi}}];
\ifdim#5pt<\Value pt\relax
\ifdim\Value pt<#6pt\relax
(1\xi) -- (2\xi);
Cote node/.style={%
inner sep=1.5pt,
outer sep=2pt
Cote arrow/.style={%
very thin
s % cotation avec les flèches à l'extérieur
D<>{1.5pt} % offset des traits
O{.75cm} % offset de cotation
m % premier point
m % second point
m % étiquette
D<>{o} % () coordonnées -> angle
% h -> horizontal,
% v -> vertical
% o or what ever -> oblique
O{} % parametre du tikzset
\coordinate (@1) at #4 ;
\coordinate (@2) at #5 ;
\if #7v % Cotation verticale
\coordinate (@0) at ($($#4!.5!#5$) + (#3,0)$) ;
\coordinate (@4) at (@0|-@1) ;
\coordinate (@5) at (@0|-@2) ;
\if #7h % Cotation horizontale
\coordinate (@0) at ($($#4!.5!#5$) + (0,#3)$) ;
\coordinate (@4) at (@0-|@1) ;
\coordinate (@5) at (@0-|@2) ;
\else % cotation encoche
\coordinate (@5) at ($#7!#3!#5$) ;
\coordinate (@4) at ($#7!#3!#4$) ;
\else % cotation oblique
\coordinate (@5) at ($#5!#3!90:#4$) ;
\coordinate (@4) at ($#4!#3!-90:#5$) ;
\draw[very thin,shorten >= #2,shorten <= -2*#2] (@4) -- #4 ;
\draw[very thin,shorten >= #2,shorten <= -2*#2] (@5) -- #5 ;
\IfBooleanTF #1 {% avec étoile
\draw[Cote arrow,-] (@4) -- (@5)
node[Cote node] {#6\strut};
\draw[Cote arrow,<-] (@4) -- ($(@4)!-6pt!(@5)$) ;
\draw[Cote arrow,<-] (@5) -- ($(@5)!-6pt!(@4)$) ;
}{% sans étoile
\draw[Cote arrow] (@5) to[bend right]
node[Cote node] {#6\strut} (@4) ;
\draw[Cote arrow] (@4) -- (@5)
node[Cote node] {#6\strut};
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\Cote{(2,-.5)}{(2,.5)}{$b(x)$}[ Cote node/.append style={right,rotate=-90}];
\Cote[1cm]{(0,0)}{(4,0)}{$L$} ;
\fill[blue!30,opacity=0.65] (0,0.15)..controls(2,.55).. (4,0.4)--(4,-0.4) ..controls(2,-.55).. (0,-0.15) -- cycle;
\draw[thick] (0,0.15)..controls(2,.55).. (4,0.4)--(4,-0.4) ..controls(2,-.55).. (0,-0.15) -- cycle;
\draw[->] (O) -- ++(0,1.1) node[right] {$y$};
\draw[->] (O) -- ++(1,0) node[above] {$x$};
\clip (-.2,-1.2) rectangle (1.6,1.2);% clip left part
\path[fill=blue!30,opacity=0.65,draw=black,thick] (0,0.15) ..controls(2,.55).. (4,0.4)--
(4,-0.4) ..controls(2,-.55).. (0,-0.15) -- cycle;
\fill[white] (1.5,1) ..controls(1.6,.6) and (1.2,-.5).. (1.5,-1)--
(3.5,-1) ..controls(3.2,-.5) and (3.6,.6).. (3.5,1) -- cycle;
\draw[black,very thick] (1.5,1) ..controls(1.6,.6) and (1.2,-.5).. (1.5,-1);
\draw[black,very thick] (3.5,-1) ..controls(3.2,-.5) and (3.6,.6).. (3.5,1);
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\draw[->] (O) -- ++(0,1.1) node[right] {$y$};
\draw[->] (O) -- ++(1,0) node[above] {$x$};
\clip (3.2,-1.2) rectangle (4.2,1.2);% clip right part
\path[fill=blue!30,opacity=0.65,draw=black,thick] (0,0.15) ..controls(2,.55).. (4,0.4)--
(4,-0.4) ..controls(2,-.55).. (0,-0.15) -- cycle;
\fill[white] (1.5,1) ..controls(1.6,.6) and (1.2,-.5).. (1.5,-1)--
(3.5,-1) ..controls(3.2,-.5) and (3.6,.6).. (3.5,1) -- cycle;
\draw[black,very thick] (1.5,1) ..controls(1.6,.6) and (1.2,-.5).. (1.5,-1);
\draw[black,very thick] (3.5,-1) ..controls(3.2,-.5) and (3.6,.6).. (3.5,1);
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\draw[->] (O) -- ++(0,1.1) node[right] {$y$};
\draw[->] (O) -- ++(1,0) node[above] {$x$};