


这是我的 MWE。在第一部分 1.1 中,我使用常规引用。在 1.2 中,我使用页面注释。参考书目反向引用指向注释页面上的页面注释引用,但不指向第 4 页和第 5 页上的编号引用。我不确定最简单的方法是在参考书目中页面注释编号所在的文本中创建一个带有反向引用的注释的页面注释,然后一次性输入作者索引。提前非常感谢!

title={Squidman Follies: A Chronical of Heartbreaking Disasters},
author={Scribbler, David P. and Marker, Alan R.},

author={Scribe, Charles A.},
journal={Squidman Monthly},
title={His cruel tenticles},
volume = {23},
number = {4},
pages = {56--74}}

author={Genius, Andy M. and Writer, Jason T.},
journal={Creation Science Quarterly},
title={Squidman's Apparent Deafness},
volume = {7},
number = {16},
pages = {1--14}

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\part{The Universe of Squidman}

\chapter{How The Whole Shebang Started} 
In the beginning there was nothing \autocite{writer2003}. Then there was giant Squidman \autocite{scribe2011}.  According to \citet{genius2010}  it was an unfortunate start to what could have been a really nice world.  \Textcite{scribe2011} wholeheartedly agreed with  \citeauthor{genius2010}, adding that Squidman's unrelenting cruelty toward the entities he created to inhabit the Earth planet indicates Squidman was totally unfit for the job. 

\citeauthor{writer2003} argued in Squidman's defense that He may not be as bad as we think, it is just that He sometimes falls asleep at the switch or that His tentacle capacity may be limited in some way. Some tenticles appear to be more kind and gentle, while others are cruel and distructive. Perhaps in some unknown way, He may actually mean well even when He appears cruel.  \citet{scribe2011} called these weak rationalizations for inexcusable behavior.

Despite numerous complaints about Squidman and unanswered requests for alternatives, the inhabitants of Earth appear to be stuck with Squidman for better or worse.  Squidman makes certain there is no way out of this   bugger even in death.

\section{Theories of Squidman's Origin} The two most popular current theories  amongst cosmologists regarding the origin of Squidman are that He is either an  Eternal Supernatural Entity (ESE) without origin or that He was created through  some unusual Quantum Flux (QF) in some higher spacetime   continuum.\pagenote{\citep{genius2010}}  

 The ESE theory has many followers at this time, but it begs the age old question,  ``Why o why does He exist at all?''  Also, what does it mean to be an eternal   being ``outside'' time?  It is a puzzler that has stumped the greatest minds  Squidman ever put on this planet.  The most common endpoint of such questioning is  to reply something along the lines that ``there is no \emph{why}, there just    \emph{is},'' or that it is ``\emph{beyond human capacity for understanding}\ldots   Get used to it and \emph{stop asking silly questions.''}\pagenote{\citep[42]  {writer2003} this is a little note about what he said}

Many have found these replies to be unsatisfactory because they feel there
\emph{just must be a scientific sounding answer to Why.}  Therefore the QF theorists have won a growing number of followers in the must-be-an-explanation camp because QF at least gives the mystery a scientific sounding name.  It will have to do at least until Squidman Himself provides better scientific sounding words for it.\pagenote{\citep[63]{scribe2011} although
 \citep[8]{genius2010} stated that Squidman does not understand the meaning of    human thoughts or vocalizations so alternatives provided by Squidman may just be   unusual squeaks and garbling noises.}


