如何在纯 TeX 中输入括号括起来的编号方程式?

如何在纯 TeX 中输入括号括起来的编号方程式?







Some text that should wrap over two or more lines; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense.
  a_0 & +a_1 & +a_2 & =1 \no{1}\cr
  a_0 & +\left(-{1\over2}+j{\sqrt{3}\over2}\right)a_1 & + \left(-{1\over2}-j{\sqrt{3}\over2})\right)a_2 & =0 \no{2}\cr
  a_0 & +\left(-{1\over2}-j{\sqrt{3}\over2}\right)a_1 & + \left(-{1\over2}+j{\sqrt{3}\over2})\right)a_2 & =0 \no{3}\cr
Some text that should wrap over two or more lines; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense.


同样与 + 号对齐:

    \hfil$\displaystyle##$&     % a_0
    \hfil$\displaystyle{}##{}$& % +
    \hfil$\displaystyle{}##$&   % a_1
    \hfil$\displaystyle{}##{}$& % +
    \hfil$\displaystyle{}##$&   % a_2
    \hfil$\displaystyle{}##$&   % = c
    \kern\dimen0\hfil##\cr      % eqno

Some text that should wrap over two or more lines; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense.
  a_0 & + & a_1 & + & a_2 & =1 \no{1}\cr
  a_0 & + & \left(-{1\over2}+j{\sqrt{3}\over2}\right)a_1 & + & \left(-{1\over2}-j{\sqrt{3}\over2}\right)a_2 & =0 \no{2}\cr
  a_0 & + & \left(-{1\over2}-j{\sqrt{3}\over2}\right)a_1 & + & \left(-{1\over2}+j{\sqrt{3}\over2}\right)a_2 & =0 \no{3}\cr
Some text that should wrap over two or more lines; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense; just add
some nonsense until we're up with this nonsense.

