

我有一张包含多行列的表格,我可以对其使用 booktabs 和 multirow 包。

\documentclass[12pt, twocolumn]{article}


\newcommand{\blah}{blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah}
\newcommand{\blahx}{blah blah blah blah blah blah blah}


\def\arraystretch{1.2}%  1 is the default, change whatever you need
{\bf Story} & {\bf Description} & {\bf Properties} \\

% item 1/2 
\multirow{2}{*}{s1} & \blah
    & \multirow{4}{2.4cm}{\blahx}\\
\multirow{2}{*}{s2} & \blah
 & \\


% item 3/4 
\multirow{2}{*}{s3} & \blah
  & \multirow{4}{2.4cm}{\blahx} \\
\multirow{2}{*}{s4} & \blah
 & \\


% item 5/6 
\multirow{2}{*}{s5} & \blah
 & \multirow{4}{2.4cm}{\blahx}\\
\multirow{2}{*}{s6} & \blah
 & \\

% Closing table






\documentclass[12pt, twocolumn]{article}

\usepackage{array, multirow, caption}


  \def\arraystretch{1.2}% 1 is the default, change whatever you need
    {\bfseries Story} & {\bfseries Description} & {\bfseries Properties} \\
    % item 1/2
    {s1} & PAID Sample project assignment (err on the side of paying fairly for estimated completion time
    & \multirow{4}{2.4cm}{Sample project assignment (err on the side of paying fairly}\\
    s2 & PAID Sample project assignment (err on the side of paying fairly for estimated completion time
    & \\
    % item 3/4
    s3 & PAID Sample project assignment (err on the side of paying fairly for estimated completion time
    & \multirow{4}{2.4cm}{Sample project assignment (err on the side of paying fairly} \\
    s4 & PAID Sample project assignment (err on the side of paying fairly for estimated completion time
    & \\
    % item 5/6
    s5 & PAID Sample project assignment (err on the side of paying fairly for estimated completion time
    & \multirow{4}{2.4cm}{Sample project assignment (err on the side of paying fairly}\\
    s6 & PAID Sample project assignment (err on the side of paying fairly for estimated completion time
    & \\
    % Closing table


