为什么使用\rightskip=0pt plus 1fil
来产生不规则的右侧效果不好(如 TeXbook 第 101 页第二段中所述)?它似乎完美无缺。
\rightskip=0pt plus1fil
示例 1:
\rightskip=0pt plus 2em
\spaceskip .3333em \xspaceskip .5em\relax
There are not many different types of question that can be asked on Fourier series so, if you practice,
you should not have any surprises in the exam. In addition to the questions in the mock exam papers
and the blue book, there are many Fourier series questions available in maths text books or on-line.
示例 2:
\rightskip=0pt plus 1fil
\spaceskip .3333em \xspaceskip .5em\relax
There are not many different types of question that can be asked on Fourier series so, if you practice,
you should not have any surprises in the exam. In addition to the questions in the mock exam papers
and the blue book, there are many Fourier series questions available in maths text books or on-line.
\noindent X\hrulefill X
There are not many different types of question
that\-can\-be\-asked\-on\-Fourier\-series\-so,\-if you
practice, you\-should\-not\-have\-any\-surprises\-in\-the exam.
In addition to the questions in the mock exam papers
and the blue book, there are many Fourier series
questions available in maths text books or online.
\rightskip=0pt plus 1fil
\spaceskip .3333em \xspaceskip .5em\relax
There are not many different types of question
that\-can\-be\-asked\-on\-Fourier\-series\-so,\-if you
practice, you\-should\-not\-have\-any\-surprises\-in\-the exam.
In addition to the questions in the mock exam papers
and the blue book, there are many Fourier series
questions available in maths text books or online.