我有一个 LaTeX 文件和一个 bibtex 文件,使用 natbib 包进行参考书目管理。我想使用以下代码将其转换为 HTMLhttps://github.com/softcover/softcover。但是 softcover 一般不支持 bibtex 和书目。作者建议改用脚注。但这意味着我必须将所有内容转换\cite
This document is an example of bibliography
management\footnote{We are using the \texttt{natbib} package.}. Three items are cited: \textit{The \LaTeX\ Companion} book \cite{latexcompanion}, the \citet{einstein} journal paper, and the
Donald Knuth's website \citep{knuthwebsite}. The \LaTeX\ related items are
author = "Albert Einstein",
title = "{Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K{\"o}rper}. ({German})
[{On} the electrodynamics of moving bodies]",
journal = "Annalen der Physik",
volume = "322",
number = "10",
pages = "891--921",
year = "1905",
DOI = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/andp.19053221004"
author = "Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin",
title = "The \LaTeX\ Companion",
year = "1993",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
address = "Reading, Massachusetts"
author = "Donald Knuth",
title = "Knuth: Computers and Typesetting",
Note = "URL: http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/\~{}uno/abcde.html",
url = "http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/\~{}uno/abcde.html",
year = "1999"
natbib 命令将其合并到一个文件中
This document is an example of bibliography
management\footnote{We are not using the \texttt{natbib} package.}. Three items are cited: \textit{The \LaTeX\ Companion} book\footnote{Goossens, M., Mittelbach, F., and Samarin, A. (1993). Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.},
the\footnote{Einstein, A. (1905).{\em Annalen der Physik}, 322(10):891--921}
journal paper, and the Donald Knuth's website\footnote{Knuth, D. (1999). URL: http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/\~{}uno/abcde.html.}.
The \LaTeX\ related items are\footnote{Goossens, M., Mittelbach, F., and Samarin, A. (1993). Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts., Knuth, D. (1999). URL: http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/\~{}uno/abcde.html.}.