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\subsection{Table: Total WTP and Absolute WTP Contributions in total WTP}
%%-----begin tables---------------------------%%
\caption{\textbf{Total WTP and Absolute WTP Contributions in WTP} \label{table1}}
&\multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{WTP and Absolute Contributions to WTP (\euro/mnth) in 2007}}
&\multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{WTP and Absolute Contributions to WTP (\euro/mnth) in 2011}} \\
\cmidrule(r){2-6} \cmidrule(r){7-11} 
&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$WTP$} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{${WTP^{a}}$}
&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$WTP$} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{${WTP^{a}}$}
                           &\multicolumn{1}{c}{${WTP^{u}}$} \\                   
Austria     &      524.60&       64.21&      351.90&       93.56&       14.92&      564.09&       59.08&      388.97&       93.95&       22.10\\
Belgium     &      568.72&       76.23&      324.96&      136.36&       31.18&      583.87&      101.82&      365.13&       85.74&       31.17\\
Bulgaria    &      170.71&       34.77&       75.01&       53.51&        7.41&      273.08&       65.19&      131.10&       50.87&       25.92\\
Cyprus      &      487.98&      112.41&      205.27&      153.86&       16.44&      567.77&      126.43&      254.29&      152.58&       34.46\\
Czech Republic&      358.85&       44.43&      231.90&       77.53&        4.98&      401.78&       51.25&      273.73&       66.68&       10.11\\
Germany     &      539.88&       52.30&      387.09&       76.31&       24.18&      637.33&       67.61&      449.12&       88.55&       32.06\\
Denmark     &      441.69&       90.85&      292.38&       50.77&        7.68&      493.83&       66.35&      368.21&       33.11&       26.16\\
Estonia     &      301.66&       81.67&      160.87&       54.61&        4.50&      370.63&       80.62&      238.73&       36.56&       14.72\\
Greece      &      391.24&       73.38&      126.39&      166.19&       25.27&      341.10&       72.43&      140.36&       90.39&       37.93\\
Spain       &      403.96&       46.62&      220.96&      111.58&       24.80&      446.12&       46.56&      259.03&       58.98&       81.54\\
Finland     &      449.89&       73.10&      321.46&       49.85&        5.48&      531.48&       81.05&      403.96&       30.51&       15.95\\
France      &      533.72&       88.15&      287.13&      134.61&       23.82&      585.92&      101.17&      366.29&       77.29&       41.17\\
Hungary     &      291.90&       53.67&      152.57&       76.35&        9.32&      351.13&       56.47&      232.61&       45.15&       16.90\\
Italy       &      690.68&       99.57&      346.04&      231.61&       13.45&      591.50&       74.25&      375.90&      119.01&       22.34\\
Lithuania   &      280.98&       69.57&      138.70&       66.51&        6.19&      297.55&       49.85&      188.49&       36.05&       23.17\\
Luxembourg  &      972.66&      148.27&      539.91&      260.70&       23.78&      932.12&      139.73&      673.81&       84.53&       34.05\\
Latvia      &      298.61&       84.04&      147.19&       61.32&        6.06&      328.21&       88.26&      196.47&       24.64&       18.83\\
Netherlands &      493.10&       74.09&      332.48&       75.73&       10.80&      595.87&       88.74&      442.59&       45.62&       18.92\\
Poland      &      316.78&       58.43&      147.72&       87.46&       23.17&      375.51&       63.00&      232.94&       53.32&       26.26\\
Portugal    &      387.26&       52.06&      208.62&      103.69&       22.88&      371.92&       65.31&      236.98&       30.62&       39.01\\
Romania     &      131.56&       33.36&       67.32&       29.35&        1.53&      191.48&       38.24&      119.72&       29.74&        3.78\\
Sweden      &      402.96&       54.78&      276.07&       55.00&       17.11&      503.85&       76.78&      344.87&       50.95&       31.25\\
Slovenia    &      544.01&       71.11&      365.14&       87.06&       20.70&      492.97&       55.61&      343.64&       46.81&       46.91\\
Slovakia    &      292.05&       44.29&      178.43&       64.83&        4.51&      375.85&       46.93&      266.47&       44.51&       17.95\\
United Kingdom&      638.47&      122.23&      366.44&      126.98&       22.81&      566.39&      105.83&      350.07&       71.19&       39.31\\
\multicolumn{11}{p{29.0cm}}{Notes: Numbers denote mean values of (total) WTP and absolute contributions of non-income dimensions $d$, to total WTP ($WTP^{d}$) where $d\in (a, h, n, u)$. The results are weighted using the weights that do sum up to 1.\singlespacing} \\
%%-----end tables------------------------------%%



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\subsection{Table: Total WTP and Absolute WTP Contributions in total WTP}

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\captionof{table}{Total WTP and Absolute WTP Contributions in WTP} \label{table1}

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\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ l *{10}{S[table-format=3.2]} }
&\multicolumn{5}{>{\hsize=5\hsize}C}{WTP and Absolute Contributions to WTP (\euro/mnth) in 2007}
&\multicolumn{5}{>{\hsize=5\hsize}C}{WTP and Absolute Contributions to WTP (\euro/mnth) in 2011} \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-6} \cmidrule(l){7-11}
& \mc{$WTP$} & \mc{$WTP^{a}$} & \mc{$WTP^{h}$} & \mc{$WTP^{n}$} & \mc{$WTP^{u}$}
& \mc{$WTP$} & \mc{$WTP^{a}$} & \mc{$WTP^{h}$} & \mc{$WTP^{n}$} & \mc{$WTP^{u}$} \\
Austria     &      524.60&       64.21&      351.90&       93.56&       14.92&      564.09&       59.08&      388.97&       93.95&       22.10\\
Belgium     &      568.72&       76.23&      324.96&      136.36&       31.18&      583.87&      101.82&      365.13&       85.74&       31.17\\
Bulgaria    &      170.71&       34.77&       75.01&       53.51&        7.41&      273.08&       65.19&      131.10&       50.87&       25.92\\
Cyprus      &      487.98&      112.41&      205.27&      153.86&       16.44&      567.77&      126.43&      254.29&      152.58&       34.46\\
Czech Republic&    358.85&       44.43&      231.90&       77.53&        4.98&      401.78&       51.25&      273.73&       66.68&       10.11\\
Germany     &      539.88&       52.30&      387.09&       76.31&       24.18&      637.33&       67.61&      449.12&       88.55&       32.06\\
Denmark     &      441.69&       90.85&      292.38&       50.77&        7.68&      493.83&       66.35&      368.21&       33.11&       26.16\\
Estonia     &      301.66&       81.67&      160.87&       54.61&        4.50&      370.63&       80.62&      238.73&       36.56&       14.72\\
Greece      &      391.24&       73.38&      126.39&      166.19&       25.27&      341.10&       72.43&      140.36&       90.39&       37.93\\
Spain       &      403.96&       46.62&      220.96&      111.58&       24.80&      446.12&       46.56&      259.03&       58.98&       81.54\\
Finland     &      449.89&       73.10&      321.46&       49.85&        5.48&      531.48&       81.05&      403.96&       30.51&       15.95\\
France      &      533.72&       88.15&      287.13&      134.61&       23.82&      585.92&      101.17&      366.29&       77.29&       41.17\\
Hungary     &      291.90&       53.67&      152.57&       76.35&        9.32&      351.13&       56.47&      232.61&       45.15&       16.90\\
Italy       &      690.68&       99.57&      346.04&      231.61&       13.45&      591.50&       74.25&      375.90&      119.01&       22.34\\
Lithuania   &      280.98&       69.57&      138.70&       66.51&        6.19&      297.55&       49.85&      188.49&       36.05&       23.17\\
Luxembourg  &      972.66&      148.27&      539.91&      260.70&       23.78&      932.12&      139.73&      673.81&       84.53&       34.05\\
Latvia      &      298.61&       84.04&      147.19&       61.32&        6.06&      328.21&       88.26&      196.47&       24.64&       18.83\\
Netherlands &      493.10&       74.09&      332.48&       75.73&       10.80&      595.87&       88.74&      442.59&       45.62&       18.92\\
Poland      &      316.78&       58.43&      147.72&       87.46&       23.17&      375.51&       63.00&      232.94&       53.32&       26.26\\
Portugal    &      387.26&       52.06&      208.62&      103.69&       22.88&      371.92&       65.31&      236.98&       30.62&       39.01\\
Romania     &      131.56&       33.36&       67.32&       29.35&        1.53&      191.48&       38.24&      119.72&       29.74&        3.78\\
Sweden      &      402.96&       54.78&      276.07&       55.00&       17.11&      503.85&       76.78&      344.87&       50.95&       31.25\\
Slovenia    &      544.01&       71.11&      365.14&       87.06&       20.70&      492.97&       55.61&      343.64&       46.81&       46.91\\
Slovakia    &      292.05&       44.29&      178.43&       64.83&        4.51&      375.85&       46.93&      266.47&       44.51&       17.95\\
United Kingdom&    638.47&      122.23&      366.44&      126.98&       22.81&      566.39&      105.83&      350.07&       71.19&       39.31\\
\multicolumn{11}{p{\linewidth}}{\footnotesize Notes: Numbers denote mean values of (total) $WTP$ and absolute contributions of non-income dimensions $d$, to total $WTP$ ($WTP^{d}$) where $d\in (a, h, n, u)$. The results are weighted using the weights that do sum up to 1.} \\

