

在工作中,我经常需要在 Latex 中形成优化问题,因此我定义了一个包含所有我想要的特征的宏来简化程序。但是,由于我对设计此类宏不是很有经验,所以我面临着一个无法轻易摆脱的问题。也就是说,在等式后面的文本中经常会有缩进,如以下示例所示:

\documentclass[letterpaper, 10 pt, conference]{article}

\title{\LARGE \bf
A Scientific Paper

% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

\usepackage{twoopt} % to have two optional arguments
\usepackage{xifthen} % for if-then-else command

% Optimization Problem
% #1 = label (optional)
% #2 = equation numbering (optional - type anything to suppress sub equation numbering)
% #3 = optimization variables
% #4 = objective function
% #5 = constraints
% #6 = min / minimize / max / maximize (text for problem - set automatically)
% #7 = subject to / s.t. (text for constraints - set automatically)

                \underset{#3}{\text{#6 }} & #4 \\
                \text{#7 } & #5 
            \underset{#3}{\text{#6 }} & #4 \\
            \text{#7 } & #5 

{\optimize[#1][#2]{#3}{#4}{#5}{minimize}{subject to}}%

% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %




Let's introduce some equation using the predifined macro to show the undesired indenting after the expression:
{\sum_{k=0}^N x_k+x_k^2+x_k^3&&+y_k+y_k^2+y_k^3}
{x_k<3 && k = 0,\ldots, N ,\\ &y_k <2 && k = 0,\ldots, N,}
here is the rest of the text that should not be indented. Here is the rest of the text that should not be indented. Here is the rest of the text that should not be indented. Here is the rest of the text that should not be indented. 








% Optimization Problem
% #1 = min / minimize / max / maximize (text for problem - set automatically)
% #2 = subject to / s.t. (text for constraints - set automatically)
% #3 = equation numbering (* suppresses sub equation numbering)
% #4 = label (optional)
% #5 = optimization variables
% #6 = objective function
% #7 = constraints

  \operatorname*{#2}_{#3} & #4 \\
    \textnormal{#5 } & #6
\NewDocumentCommand{\minimize}{}{\optimize{minimize}{subject to}}


\title{A scientific paper}
\author{A. Uthor}


Let's introduce some equation using the predefined macro to show the undesired 
indenting after the expression:
  {\sum_{k=0}^N x_k+x_k^2+x_k^3&&+y_k+y_k^2+y_k^3}
  {x_k<3 && k = 0,\ldots, N ,\\ &y_k <2 && k = 0,\ldots, N,}
here is the rest of the text that should not be indented. Here is the rest of
the text that should not be indented. Here is the rest of the text that should
not be indented. Here is the rest of the text that should not be indented.
  {\sum_{k=0}^N x_k+x_k^2+x_k^3&&+y_k+y_k^2+y_k^3}
  {x_k<3 && k = 0,\ldots, N ,\\ &y_k <2 && k = 0,\ldots, N,}
here is the rest of the text that should not be indented. Here is the rest of
the text that should not be indented. Here is the rest of the text that should
not be indented. Here is the rest of the text that should not be indented.





                \underset{#3}{\text{#6 }} & #4 \\
                \text{#7 } & #5 
            \underset{#3}{\text{#6 }} & #4 \\
            \text{#7 } & #5 

