




%Load math package

%Make cell space and scientific notation
\usepackage{longtable, cellspace, booktabs}
\sisetup{scientific-notation = true}

%To generate scientific notation later-on
\providecommand{\sci}[1]{\protect\ensuremath{\times 10^{\StrSubstitute[0]{#1}{e}{}}}}

\hfill{\underline{Student ID:} 123456}\\
\hfill{Laboratory report}\\

\centerline{\Large\textbf{Identification of a Petroleum Hydrocarbon}}

%Start writing text

%Table 1
\begin{longtable}{ Cr *{6}{l}SS}
  \caption{Measurement of the unknown's boiling point(bp) and refractive index(RI)}\\
 & Substance & 1\textsuperscript{st} drop(\SI{}{\celsius}) & \sfrac{1}{2} Flask(\SI{}{\celsius}) & 1\SI{}{\ml} left(\SI{}{\celsius}) & RI (20.0\SI{}{\celsius})\\ 
  \caption*{The unknown substance's boiling point range is 67-70\SI{}{\celsius} at an atmospheric pressure of \textbf{insert atm here}. 
  The refractive index was measured at a temperature of 20.0\SI{}{\celsius}.}.

  & 206 & 67 & 79 & 70 & 1.4249\\

\begin{longtable}{ Cr *{6}{l}SS}
  \caption{Computation of the unknown substance's density(\rho)}\\
 & Substance & Mass_{1}(\SI{}{\gram}) & Mass_{2}(\SI{}{\gram}) & Mass_{3} (\SI{}{\gram}) & Mass_{Avg}(\SI{}{\gram}) & Density(\SI{}{\gram}\textbackslash\SI{}{\ml})\\ 

  \caption*{The mass of three 1\SI{}{\ml} samples of the unknown hydrocarbon was measured separately to obtain an average mass (Mass\textsubscript{\textit{Avg}}). 
  The density was then obtained by dividing Mass\textsubscript{\textit{Avg}} by 1\SI{}{\ml}, which produced an identical value to Mass\textsubscript{\textit{Avg}}.}

  & 206 & 5.42\sci{-1} & 5.39\sci{-1} & 5.50\sci{-1} & 5.44\sci{-1} &  5.44\sci{-1} \\

%Table 3
\begin{longtable}{ Cr *{5}{l}SS}
  \caption{Identification of the unknown substance}\\
  & & Substance & Bp(\SI{}{\celsius}) & Density(\rho}) & RI\\ 
  \caption*{Insert description here}.

  & Unknown  & 206 & \fcolorbox{lightgray}{lightgray}{67-70}  & 5.44\sci{-1} & \fcolorbox{gray}{gray}{1.4249}\\
  & Reference  & Cyclopentane & 49  & 7.46\sci{-1} & 1.4065\\
  &   & Hexane & \fcolorbox{lightgray}{lightgray}{69}  & 6.59\sci{-1} & 1.3749\\
  &   & Cyclohexane & 81  & 7.79\sci{-1} & \fcolorbox{gray}{gray}{1.4266}\\





例如,您可以使用两个不同长度(5 厘米和 10 厘米)的居中 ( [c])minipage作为徽标,并将文本并排放置:


  \underline{Student ID:} 123456

  Laboratory report


您的表中有我删除的空列。例如,表 1 只有 5 个实际列:

\begin{longtable}{*{5}{l}}%Cr *{6}{l}SS
  \caption{Measurement of the unknown's boiling point (bp) and refractive index (RI)}\\
 Substance & 1\textsuperscript{st} drop(\SI{}{\celsius}) & $\sfrac{1}{2}$ Flask(\SI{}{\celsius}) & 1\SI{}{\ml} left(\SI{}{\celsius}) & RI (20.0\SI{}{\celsius})\\ 
  \caption*{The unknown substance's boiling point range is 67-70\SI{}{\celsius} at an atmospheric pressure of \textbf{insert atm here}. 
  The refractive index was measured at a temperature of 20.0\SI{}{\celsius}.}.

 206 & 67 & 79 & 70 & 1.4249\\


通过注释一些被调用的包,我消除了其他一些警告和错误(参见完整的 MWE):





%Load math package

%Make cell space and scientific notation
\usepackage{longtable, cellspace, booktabs}

\sisetup{scientific-notation = true}

%To generate scientific notation later-on
\providecommand{\sci}[1]{\protect\ensuremath{\times 10^{\StrSubstitute[0]{#1}{e}{}}}}



  \underline{Student ID:} 123456

  Laboratory report

\centerline{\Large\textbf{Identification of a Petroleum Hydrocarbon}}

%Start writing text

%Table 1
\begin{longtable}{*{5}{l}}%Cr *{6}{l}SS
  \caption{Measurement of the unknown's boiling point (bp) and refractive index (RI)}\\
 Substance & 1\textsuperscript{st} drop(\SI{}{\celsius}) & $\sfrac{1}{2}$ Flask(\SI{}{\celsius}) & 1\SI{}{\ml} left(\SI{}{\celsius}) & RI (20.0\SI{}{\celsius})\\ 
  \caption*{The unknown substance's boiling point range is 67-70\SI{}{\celsius} at an atmospheric pressure of \textbf{insert atm here}. 
  The refractive index was measured at a temperature of 20.0\SI{}{\celsius}.}.

 206 & 67 & 79 & 70 & 1.4249\\

  \caption{Computation of the unknown substance's density ($\rho$)}\\
 Substance & Mass$_{1}$(\SI{}{\gram}) & Mass$_{2}$(\SI{}{\gram}) & Mass$_{3}$ (\SI{}{\gram}) & Mass$_{Avg}$(\SI{}{\gram}) & Density(\SI{}{\gram}\textbackslash\SI{}{\ml})\\ 

  \caption*{The mass of three 1\SI{}{\ml} samples of the unknown hydrocarbon was measured separately to obtain an average mass (Mass\textsubscript{\textit{Avg}}). 
  The density was then obtained by dividing Mass\textsubscript{\textit{Avg}} by 1\SI{}{\ml}, which produced an identical value to Mass\textsubscript{\textit{Avg}}.}

 206 & 5.42\sci{-1} & 5.39\sci{-1} & 5.50\sci{-1} & 5.44\sci{-1} &  5.44\sci{-1} \\

%Table 3
  \caption{Identification of the unknown substance}\\
 & Substance & Bp(\SI{}{\celsius}) & Density($\rho$) & RI\\ 
  \caption*{Insert description here}.

 Unknown   & 206          & \fcolorbox{lightgray}{lightgray}{67-70}  & 5.44\sci{-1} & \fcolorbox{gray}{gray}{1.4249}\\
 Reference & Cyclopentane &                                      49  & 7.46\sci{-1} &                        1.4065\\
           & Hexane       & \fcolorbox{lightgray}{lightgray}{69}     & 6.59\sci{-1} &                        1.3749\\
           & Cyclohexane  &                                      81  & 7.79\sci{-1} & \fcolorbox{gray}{gray}{1.4266}\\







\usepackage{longtable, cellspace, booktabs}

% Make a box for the student information
% From "how to insert multi line equation in the tabular environment?":
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/24086
\hfill\mbox{Johnathan} \par
\hfill\mbox{\underline{Student ID:} 123456} \par
\hfill\mbox{Laboratory report}

% From "Aligning image and text on top, with minipages":
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/11631
\vspace{0pt} \includegraphics[width=2in]{\jobname} & \vspace{0pt} \usebox{\header}

\centerline{\Large\textbf{Identification of a Petroleum Hydrocarbon}}


  \caption{Measurement of the unknown's boiling point(bp) and refractive index(RI)}\\
Substance & 1\textsuperscript{st} drop(\SI{}{\celsius}) & \sfrac{1}{2} Flask(\SI{}{\celsius}) & 1\SI{}{\ml} left(\SI{}{\celsius}) & RI (20.0\SI{}{\celsius})\\ 
  \caption*{The unknown substance's boiling point range is 67-70\SI{}{\celsius} at an atmospheric pressure of \textbf{insert atm here}. 
  The refractive index was measured at a temperature of 20.0\SI{}{\celsius}.}

206 & 67 & 79 & 70 & 1.4249\\

