我正在使用 TikZ 绘制流程图。如何从第四个框向第二个框添加弯曲箭头,其中箭头应从框 4 的左侧开始?
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]
\node (start) [startstop] {Start with a set of size $1$};
\node (in1) [startstop, below of=start] {Cycle over all considered input series};
\node (in2) [startstop, below of=in1] {Select the input variable that resulted in the best RMS};
\node (in3) [startstop, below of=in2] {Add the selected input variable series to the previous set};
\draw [arrow] (start) -- (in1);
\draw [arrow] (in1) -- (in2);
\draw [arrow] (in2) -- (in3);
\caption{Flow diagram showing the full steps used to construct the signal function.}
与循环返回相比,它更容易绘制,特别是如果您受到 Se 上一些 LateX 专家的想法的启发,我会尽力简化您的代码:
> = latex,
start chain = going below,
every join/.style = {->,thick},
every node/.style = {draw, rounded corners, fill=red!30,
join, on chain},
\node (start) {Start with a set of size $1$};
\node (in1) {Cycle over all considered input series};
\node (in2) {Select the input variable that resulted in the best RMS};
\node (in3) {Add the selected input variable series to the previous set};
\draw[->,thick,rounded corners=3mm]% loop back from 4th block to the 2nd
(in3.west) -- + (-5mm,0mm)% intermediate coordinate,
% 5mm left from the west border of 4th block
|- (in1.west);
\caption{Flow diagram showing the full steps used to construct the signal function.}