使用 Java 中的 JMH,我创建了文件。假设 .csv 文件如下所示(但要大得多):
"Benchmark","Mode","Threads","Samples","Score","Score Error (99.9%)","Unit","Param: capacity","Param: objects"
是否可以为每个创建情节n该表中的第 0-3、4-7、... 行是什么?
我是 pgf 的初学者,对 LaTeX 也是一样。我确实创建了一些没有循环的图,但最有用的是有“自动图形生成器”,我可以指向 .csv 文件并给出图形。
我已经结合如何使用 TeX 从 CSV 绘制图形?,如何使用 pgfplots 绘制表格的前 n 行?和轴标签(百万/千)但我不能
\pgfplotsset{compat=1.5, width = 12cm, height = 5cm, select coords between index/.style 2 args={
x filter/.code={
\begin{axis}[/pgfplots/error bars/.cd, x dir = normal, y dir = normal, x explicit, y explicit,title=Lists collections performance,
xlabel = Objects,
legend style={legend columns=-1},
legend to name={thelegend},
ylabel = Add operations ops/s,
y tick label style={ytick scale label code/.code={}, scaled y ticks=base 10:-6, yticklabel={\pgfmathprintnumber{\tick} million},},
x tick label style={/pgf/number format/.cd, scaled x ticks = false, set decimal separator={,}, fixed},
xmin = 1, xmax = 10000,
\addplot+[red, mark = o, ultra thick,] [select coords between index={0}{3}]
table [col sep=comma, ignore chars=\%, x="Param: objects", y="Score",]{lists-results.csv};
\addplot+[blue, mark = o, thick] [select coords between index={4}{7}]
table [col sep=comma, ignore chars=\%, x="Param: objects", y="Score",]{lists-results.csv};
\addplot+[green, mark = o] [select coords between index={8}{11}]
table [col sep=comma, ignore chars=\%, x="Param: objects", y="Score",]{lists-results.csv};
\addplot+[purple, mark = o] [select coords between index={12}{15}]
table [col sep=comma, ignore chars=\%, x="Param: objects", y="Score",]{lists-results.csv};
\legend{Guava ArrayList(0), Guava ArrayList(500), Guava ArrayList(10000), Guava LinkedList}
\node [below] at (theaxis.below south) {\ref{thelegend}};
\foreach \n in {0,4...,28}{
\addplot+[red, mark = o] [select coords between index={\n}{\n+3}]
table [col sep=comma, ignore chars=\%, x="Param: objects", y="Score",]
1) 是否可以缩短基准的名称?
2) 是否可以从其他列中添加姓名编号?
3)是否可以将两列相乘来创建 x 轴数字?
例如“分数”:3326.423048 和“参数:对象”:10000 -> 33264230.48
是否可以使用 pgfplots 将绘图的 x 坐标乘以某个因子
pgfplots 中 xticks 之间的水平间距
如何使用 MiKTeX 通过命令行创建 pdf?
没有评估。您可以通过在“手动”解决方案中替换来测试这一点select coords between index={12}{15}
,select coords between index={12}{12+3}
我认为除了最后两个问题之外,我已经回答了你所有的“额外(边缘)问题”。关于 5) 我不喜欢网格线,但你已经找到了解决方案,所以我认为如果你真的想要/需要它们,你可以自己应用它。关于 6) 我不确定你是否真的只是想输出“整个文档”的 PDF,或者只是创建图的 PDF(单独)。
% used PGFPlots v1.14
\usepackage{xstring} % <-- needed for string manipulation
% use at least this `compat' level to improve placing of axis labels
% (almost the) opposite of `skip coords between index'
% only use x values when the `\coordindex' lays between the two
% arguments (including), else "skip" them by setting the value to "NaN"
select coords between index/.style 2 args={
x filter/.code={
table/col sep=comma,
table/ignore chars=\%,
% define a command to create the legend entries
% (give the row number to the argument)
% store the "Benchmark" entry of the given row number in `\Benchmark'
% store the "Capacity" entry of the given row number in `\Capacity'
\pgfplotstablegetelem{#1}{"Param: capacity"}\of{\table}
% create the legend entry
% only use the part of `\Benchmark' between the given two strings
% append the capacity entry in brackets if the "Benchmark" entry
% ends with the given string (else return an empty string)
% read the table from the file
title=Lists collections performance,
% changed y axis label and corresponding style
ylabel=Add operations in million ops/s,
% use an index for the data points and get the labels from the table
xticklabels from table={\table}{"Param: objects"},
y tick label style={
ytick scale label code/.code={},
scaled y ticks=base 10:-6,
% changed positioning of the legend
legend pos=outer north east,
% use left alignment for labels in legend
legend cell align=left,
\foreach \n in {0,4,...,12}{
\addplot+[mark=o,select coords between index={\n}{\n+3}] table [
% to avoid a numerical issue I have added "+0.1" to x
% (otherwise for \n=16 the modulus would return 4, because
% 16 would be something like 15.999)
x expr={int(mod(\coordindex + 0.1,4))},
y expr=\thisrow{"Score"}*\thisrow{"Param: objects"},
] {\table};