

我想制作一个附录页面,以简单的最小图片显示文档中所有附录。我想要的是,每次在命令\chapter{}后使用\appendix时,都应显示附录的图片。例如,如果附录页面上有 5 个附录 A、B、C、D 和 E,则应显示以下内容:如果可能的话,可能带有附录的标题。我使用报告作为\documentclass






%File path for pdf used to provide the images for the appendices. Must be a separate document from \jobname for access.
%The rotation angle of the last appendix (drawn first)
%The angle by which each successive appendix is rotated clockwise from the previous one
%Multiplier to get the x coordinate from the index
%Multiplier to get the y coordinate from the index
%The scale factor for the page
%Numer of cards in a single row

    % Array for appendices  

    %command to draw the appendix cards. Intened to be after \appendix.
        \chapter*{Appendices}%Add the heading to the cover page
        %Redefine \chapter and \chapter* to reference the page
        \let\old@chapter\@chapter%previous definition for the unstarred chapter
        \let\old@schapter\@schapter%\previous definition for the starred chapter
        \def\appendtochptexec{\protect\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\addappxpage{\thepage}}}%write to aux file the reference for the page 
        %Draw the cards
            \IfFileExists{\pdfforappximgs.pdf}{}{\gdef\pdfforappximgs{\relax}}%Check that the file exists
        \expandafter\ifx\expandafter\relax\pdfforappximgs\relax\wlog{No pdf file provided for appendix card display}\else%verify that the file is given and exists
            \pdfximage{\pdfforappximgs.pdf}%Get the number of pages in said pdf
            \ifnum\theappxpagecount=0\wlog{No appendices for appendix card display}\else%do nothing if there are no appendices
                \expandafter\ifnum\getappxpage{\theappxpagecount}>\pdflastximagepages\wlog{Update the appendix pdf file...insufficient pages}\else%do nothing if there are not enough pages
                    %initialize the ranges      
                    %upper limit for the loop must be 1 greater than the count to ensure all are included
                                \foreach \x in {\thecmaxi,...,\thecmini}{
                                    \node[fill=white,draw,anchor=south west,rotate=\appxcardsinitialangle-\appxcardsanglestep*(\revx-1)] at (\appxcardxfactor*\revx,\appxcardyfactor*\revx) {\includegraphics[page=\getappxpage{\x},scale=\appxcardscale]{\pdfforappximgs.pdf}};}
                        %advance the counters to the next row
Some text.
\chapter{Literature Review}
Some more text.
\chapter{Results and Discussion}
Even more text. 

\chapter*{Supplementary Material 1}
Some text.
\chapter[shorter title]{Supplementary Material 2}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 3}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 4}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 5}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 6}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 7}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 8}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 9}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 10}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 11}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 12}
Some text.
\chapter{Supplementary Material 13}
Some text.



appx 卡阵列


appx 卡太多
