软件包 nomencl 未生成 .nlo 文件

软件包 nomencl 未生成 .nlo 文件

由于某种原因,当我使用 pdflatex 进行处理并使用makeindex -s nomencl.ist -o EncFor.nls EncFor.nlo 命名法时,它并没有显示出来。这是我的代码:

\usepackage{graphicx, imakeidx, afterpage}
\usepackage{mathtools, amsthm, epigraph, etoolbox, amssymb}

%----------------WATER MARK AND TITLE--------------
% University logo
{\LARGE \plogo}\\[\drop]
{\huge\bfseries Encyclop\ae dia Formul\ae\\
\large --- in N pages, with T tables ---}\\
{\Large\textsc{The\EncFortnote{\texttt{email address}} Candidate}}
City, Country
{\large The Date}
\makeindex[columns=2, intoc]

%------------ glossary entries
  description={Is a mark up language specially suited 
    for scientific documents}


%-------------------COVER PAGE page 0-------------------%

\newpage            % false page i.
\newpage            % false page ii.
%--------------------TITLE PAGE iii------------------------%
\author{Karl Ruprecht Kr\"{o}nen}   % agregar adscripcion e.g. Ph.D. FRS.
\title{Encyclop\ae dia Formul\ae}
% nombre de la casa editora
% nombre del resivor tecnico con sus adscripciones
%------------------LEGAL PAGE iv-----------------------%
%----------------- first half--------------------------%
%Creditos para el editor, supervisor y tipografo        % numero de edicion
% leyenda explicativa del motivo de la portada o creditos
%-------------------second half-------------------------%
% letras mayusculas: titulo y numbero de edicion, tomo o volumen, ultima linea sea anota la ciudad y el pais donde se imprimio.
% enseguida se inscribe la leyenda de copyright y el anio de publicacion y el nombre de la persona fisica o moral que reserva los derechos asi como su direccion
% finalmente se escribe en la parte infrerior el pais de publicacion.
%--------------- DEDICATIONS v------------------------%
%--------------- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi------------------%
%-----------------CONTENTS vii till ?? ----------------------%
\tableofcontents % starts visible roman numbering
%-------------------PREFACE--keeps roman numerals starting from ??----------%
% starts presenting the work and expresses the reason for its writing & identifies the audience
% explains briefly the contents of the work & or chapters and gives an indication for the methodology of the reading. 
% more acknowledgements and thanks to everyone who supported the manuscript &/or the writing itself.
%-----------------STARTS TEXT & arabic numerals------------------------

\part{First Part of this document}

\epigraph{\textit{Indeed, the purpose of an encyclopedia is to collect knowledge\index{knowledge} \gls{latex} disseminated around the globe; to set forth its general system to the men with whom we live, and transmit it to those who will come after us, so that the work of preceding centuries\index{knowledge!centuries} will not become useless to the centuries to come; and so that our offspring, becoming better instructed\index{centuries!instructed}, will at the same time become more virtuous and happy, and that we should not die without having rendered a service to the human race in the future years to come.}}{\textsc{Diderot}}

    First section, \gls{latex} is pretty good.
    Probability's\index{Probability} section number is ~\ref{sec:probability}, while this section's number is ~\ref{sec:statistics}.
    \newtheorem{AMean}{Arithmetic Mean}[section]
    \newtheorem{WAMean}{Weighted Arithmetic Mean}
    For a set of data
    $$ \{ x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n \} $$
    The arithmetic mean is defined\footnote{or can be deduced logically} as follows :
        \label{eq:Arithmetic Mean}
        \bar{x}:=\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i}{n}
        \label{eq:Weighted Arithmetic Mean}
        \bar{x}_w:=\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_iw_i}{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} w_i}
    This is not provable because it is a definition.
    Luego decimos que la \ref{eq:Arithmetic Mean} es mayor que la secci\'on \ref{sec:probability}.\\
    Luego \gls{latex} es chingon.

        Zeevaert, L.,
      \emph{Foundation engineering for difficult subsoil conditions},
      Van Nonstrand Reinhold, 
      New York, 
      2nd edition, 

 \ifstrequal{#1}{A}{Physics Constants}{%
\ifstrequal{#1}{B}{Number Sets}{%
\ifstrequal{#1}{C}{Other Symbols}{}}}%
%This will add the units
\nomenclature[A, 02]{$c$}{Speed of light in a vacuum
inertial system 
    \nomunit{$299,792,458\, m/s$}}
\nomenclature[A, 03]{$h$}{Plank Constant
    \nomunit{$6.62607 \times 10^{-34}\, Js$}}
\nomenclature[A, 01]{$g$}{Gravitational Constant 
    \nomunit{$6.67384 \times 10^{-11}\, N \cdot m^2/kg^2$}}
\nomenclature[B, 03]{$\mathbb{R}$}{Real Numbers}
\nomenclature[B, 02]{$\mathbb{C}$}{Complex Numbers}
\nomenclature[B, 01]{$\mathbb{H}$}{Quaternions}
\nomenclature[C]{$V$}{Constant Volume}
\nomenclature[C]{$\rho$}{Friction Index}

pdfLaTeX EncFor.tex
makeindex EncFor.glo -s nomencl.ist -o EncFor.nls
pdfLaTeX EncFor.tex


你忘了\makenomenclature序言!如果缺少此命令,则不会.nlo生成任何文件,因此序列makeindex -s nomencl.ist....会失败,不会生成最终.nls文件。

\usepackage{graphicx, imakeidx, afterpage}
\usepackage{mathtools, amsthm, epigraph, etoolbox, amssymb}

%----------------WATER MARK AND TITLE--------------
% University logo
{\LARGE \plogo}\\[\drop]
{\huge\bfseries Encyclop\ae dia Formul\ae\\
\large --- in N pages, with T tables ---}\\
{\Large\textsc{The\EncFortnote{\texttt{email address}} Candidate}}
City, Country
{\large The Date}

%%%%% Inserted \makenomenclature


\makeindex[columns=2, intoc]

%------------ glossary entries
  description={Is a mark up language specially suited 
    for scientific documents}


%-------------------COVER PAGE page 0-------------------%

\newpage            % false page i.
\newpage            % false page ii.
%--------------------TITLE PAGE iii------------------------%
\author{Karl Ruprecht Kr\"{o}nen}   % agregar adscripcion e.g. Ph.D. FRS.
\title{Encyclop\ae dia Formul\ae}
% nombre de la casa editora
% nombre del resivor tecnico con sus adscripciones
%------------------LEGAL PAGE iv-----------------------%
%----------------- first half--------------------------%
%Creditos para el editor, supervisor y tipografo        % numero de edicion
% leyenda explicativa del motivo de la portada o creditos
%-------------------second half-------------------------%
% letras mayusculas: titulo y numbero de edicion, tomo o volumen, ultima linea sea anota la ciudad y el pais donde se imprimio.
% enseguida se inscribe la leyenda de copyright y el anio de publicacion y el nombre de la persona fisica o moral que reserva los derechos asi como su direccion
% finalmente se escribe en la parte infrerior el pais de publicacion.
%--------------- DEDICATIONS v------------------------%
%--------------- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi------------------%
%-----------------CONTENTS vii till ?? ----------------------%
\tableofcontents % starts visible roman numbering
%-------------------PREFACE--keeps roman numerals starting from ??----------%
% starts presenting the work and expresses the reason for its writing & identifies the audience
% explains briefly the contents of the work & or chapters and gives an indication for the methodology of the reading. 
% more acknowledgements and thanks to everyone who supported the manuscript &/or the writing itself.
%-----------------STARTS TEXT & arabic numerals------------------------

\part{First Part of this document}

\epigraph{\textit{Indeed, the purpose of an encyclopedia is to collect knowledge\index{knowledge} \gls{latex} disseminated around the globe; to set forth its general system to the men with whom we live, and transmit it to those who will come after us, so that the work of preceding centuries\index{knowledge!centuries} will not become useless to the centuries to come; and so that our offspring, becoming better instructed\index{centuries!instructed}, will at the same time become more virtuous and happy, and that we should not die without having rendered a service to the human race in the future years to come.}}{\textsc{Diderot}}

    First section, \gls{latex} is pretty good.
    Probability's\index{Probability} section number is ~\ref{sec:probability}, while this section's number is ~\ref{sec:statistics}.
    \newtheorem{AMean}{Arithmetic Mean}[section]
    \newtheorem{WAMean}{Weighted Arithmetic Mean}
    For a set of data
    $$ \{ x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n \} $$
    The arithmetic mean is defined\footnote{or can be deduced logically} as follows :
        \label{eq:Arithmetic Mean}
        \bar{x}:=\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i}{n}
        \label{eq:Weighted Arithmetic Mean}
        \bar{x}_w:=\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_iw_i}{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} w_i}
    This is not provable because it is a definition.
    Luego decimos que la \ref{eq:Arithmetic Mean} es mayor que la secci\'on \ref{sec:probability}.\\
    Luego \gls{latex} es chingon.

        Zeevaert, L.,
      \emph{Foundation engineering for difficult subsoil conditions},
      Van Nonstrand Reinhold, 
      New York, 
      2nd edition, 

 \ifstrequal{#1}{A}{Physics Constants}{%
\ifstrequal{#1}{B}{Number Sets}{%
\ifstrequal{#1}{C}{Other Symbols}{}}}%
%This will add the units
\nomenclature[A, 02]{$c$}{Speed of light in a vacuum
inertial system 
    \nomunit{$299,792,458\, m/s$}}
\nomenclature[A, 03]{$h$}{Plank Constant
    \nomunit{$6.62607 \times 10^{-34}\, Js$}}
\nomenclature[A, 01]{$g$}{Gravitational Constant 
    \nomunit{$6.67384 \times 10^{-11}\, N \cdot m^2/kg^2$}}
\nomenclature[B, 03]{$\mathbb{R}$}{Real Numbers}
\nomenclature[B, 02]{$\mathbb{C}$}{Complex Numbers}
\nomenclature[B, 01]{$\mathbb{H}$}{Quaternions}
\nomenclature[C]{$V$}{Constant Volume}
\nomenclature[C]{$\rho$}{Friction Index}

