我正在尝试编写我的 LaTex 文档。到目前为止,它编译得很好。现在,在我添加 \tableofcontents 命令后,目录之后的所有页面现在都以大写字母显示。我不确定我是否输入了错误的命令,导致它混乱或其他问题。我尝试查找,但找不到任何与问题相关的内容。
\documentclass[BSc, applied]{usydthesis} % use "amsart" instead of "article" for AMSLaTeX format
\usepackage{geometry} % See geometry.pdf to learn the layout options. There are lots.
\geometry{letterpaper} % ... or a4paper or a5paper or ...
%\geometry{landscape} % Activate for for rotated page geometry
\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Activate to begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
% Use pdf, png, jpg, or eps§ with pdflatex; use eps in DVI mode
% TeX will automatically convert eps --> pdf in pdflatex
\title{Modelling Predatory Trading}
%\date{} % Activate to display a given date or no date
\renewcommand{\Today}{October 2015}
\chapter{Chapter 1}
% LaTeX2e thesis style for Maths at the University of Sydney.
% It sets up a title page, loads up the amsbook class file and
% then redefines a number of things which I don't like in amsbook.
% Andrew Mathas May, 2002
[2002/05/10 University of Sydney thesis class file - Andrew Mathas]
% options %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def\SMSsection{Pure Mathematics}
\DeclareOption{pure}{\def\SMSsection{Pure Mathematics}}
\DeclareOption{applied}{\def\SMSsection{Applied Mathematics}}
% degree types
\def\@thesistype{An essay}
\def\@degree{something cool}
\DeclareOption{BA}{\def\@thesistype{An essay}
\DeclareOption{BSc}{\def\@thesistype{An essay}
\DeclareOption{MA}{\def\@thesistype{A thesis}
\def\@degree{Master of Arts}
\DeclareOption{MSc}{\def\@thesistype{A thesis}
\def\@degree{Master of Science}
\DeclareOption{PhD}{\def\@thesistype{A thesis}
\def\@degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
% packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% for the University crest
% amsmath
% times fonts look better
% we now change a few things in the standard amsbook setup
% sections are numbered within the chapters
% chapters don't need to start on the left hand page
\@afterindenttrue \secdef\@chapter\@schapter}
% section numbers in appendices shouldn't have a dot in them
\c@chapter\z@ \c@section\z@
\renewcommand\thesection {\thechapter\arabic{section}}
%%put dotfill in toc entries and make chapter entries bold
\ifnum #1>\c@tocdepth % then omit
\par \addpenalty\@secpenalty\addvspace{#2}%
\begingroup \hyphenpenalty\@M
\@tempdima\csname r@tocindent\number#1\endcsname\relax
\parindent\z@ \leftskip#3\relax \advance\leftskip\@tempdima\relax
\rightskip\@pnumwidth plus4em \parfillskip-\@pnumwidth
{#5\leavevmode\hskip-\@tempdima #6}\nobreak\relax
\dotfill\hbox to\@pnumwidth{\@tocpagenum{#5{#7}}}\par
\def\l@chapter{\@tocline{0}{8pt plus1pt}{0pt}{}{\bfseries}}
% chapter at top of chapters should be \sc rather than in capitals
\def\@makechapterhead#1{\global\topskip 7.5pc\relax
\leavevmode \hskip-\leftskip
\rlap{\vbox to\z@{\vss
\vskip 3pc}}\hskip\leftskip\fi
#1\par \endgroup
\skip@34\p@ \advance\skip@-\normalbaselineskip
\vskip\skip@ }
% the standard amsbook headings are not very good %%%%
\@ifnotempty{#2}{\ignorespaces#1 #2\unskip\@ifnotempty{#3}{. }}%
% give an easy way to change the font used on theorem labels
% the AMSmath theorems are indented by \parindent which looks silly
\let\thm@indent\noindent% no indent
\thm@headfont{\SMStheoremfont}% heading font bold
\thm@headpunct{.}% add period after heading
\thm@headsep 5\p@ plus\p@ minus\p@\relax
#1% style overrides
\@topsep \thm@preskip % used by thm head
\@topsepadd \thm@postskip % used by \@endparenv
\def\@tempa{\@oparg{\@begintheorem{#3}{\csname the#2\endcsname}}[]}%
% the AMSmath proofs are indented \parindent which looks silly
\normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax
\item[\hskip\labelsep\SMStheoremfont #1\@addpunct{.}]\ignorespaces
% date on title page of thesis
\def\Today{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or
April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or
October\or November\or December\fi\space\number\year}
% thesis title page
\begingroup \topskip\z@skip
\LARGE\bfseries \centering
\@thesistype\ submitted in partial fulfillment of\\
the requirements for the degree of\\
University of Sydney}\\
% insert page break after tableofconents
% control spacing in the bibliograph and fix up the toc entry
\c@chapter\z@ \c@section\z@\let\chaptername\relax
\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
% global macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% a good macros for doing sets: e.g. $\set{x|x>0}$.
\let|\midvert #1}\,\rbrace}}
% change the default labels for enumerate
问题显然是由 的使用引起的parskip
。不知何故,这与 的类定义不兼容\contentsname