我没有在 lettrine 文档中看到可以解决此行为的明显参数。
这次讨论看起来相关,但问题/解决方案与 \lettrine 在列表中有关(因此,本质上是在段落内)。 在我的例子中,我们显然处于新段落的开头,所以我不确定我遗漏了什么。
以下是产生此结果的 MWE:
\setlength{\columnsep}{30 pt} %more space between the columns
%avoid overfull hbox with narrow columns
%I don't like the rest of the word being in smallcaps
\lettrine[lines=5,loversize=0.1]{O}{nce} upon a time, there was a prince
who was an only child. He was so well-known for his intelligence and his
good looks, that he became quite proud. Because of his own beauty, he was
very fond of beautiful things. But, he could not endure ugliness; he said
that he found it painful to even look upon something ugly.
\lettrine[lines=5,loversize=0.1]{D}{er} var engang en Konge, som havde en
eneste Søn. Prinsen var bekendt for sin Skønhed og store Forstand. Men
han blev ganske hovmodig deraf. Ligesom han selv var smuk, holdt han meget
af alt, hvad der var smukt. De grimme kunde han ikke udstå; han fik ganske
ondt af at se på hvad der var stygt, sagde han.
我最初在 tex.SE 上进行 lettrine 搜索,但不知为何未能找到以下讨论:为什么这个字母被挤到边缘
只需在我的丹麦语段落末尾添加 \par 即可解决问题。
我想我现在的问题是为什么这有必要吗?polyglossia 的 \begin{language} \end{language} 环境有什么问题,导致 lettrine 无法识别段落已结束?(再次提醒,我是一个不太熟练的 latex 用户。)\unskip 本身似乎与此无关(删除它并不能解决问题,将其留在 \par 之后也不会造成问题)。
我的新 MWE:
\setlength{\columnsep}{30 pt} %more space between the columns
%avoid overfull hbox with narrow columns
%I don't like the rest of the word being in smallcaps
\lettrine[lines=5,loversize=0.1]{O}{nce} upon a time, there was a prince
who was an only child. He was so well-known for his intelligence and his
good looks, that he became quite proud. Because of his own beauty, he was
very fond of beautiful things. But, he could not endure ugliness; he said
that he found it painful to even look upon something ugly.
\lettrine[lines=5,loversize=0.1]{D}{er} var engang en Konge, som havde en
eneste Søn. Prinsen var bekendt for sin Skønhed og store Forstand. Men
han blev ganske hovmodig deraf. Ligesom han selv var smuk, holdt han meget
af alt, hvad der var smukt. De grimme kunde han ikke udstå; han fik ganske
ondt af at se på hvad der var stygt, sagde han.