因此,我正在使用 listing 包来风格化源代码(我目前正在使用 solarized 配色方案)。
\usepackage[top=19mm, left=12.925mm, right=12.925mm, bottom=19mm]{geometry}
basicstyle = \ttfamily\color{solarized-base00}, % -- Making the font monospaced and small
backgroundcolor=\color{solarized-base3}, % -- Setting the background colour to solarized-base3
breaklines=true, % -- Allows automatic line breaking
captionpos=b, % -- Caption position at bottom of listing
commentstyle = \color{solarized-base1}, % -- Sets comments to solarized-green
escapeinside = {\%*}{*}, % -- Useful for adding LaTeX within the code
emphstyle =\bfseries\color{solarized-red}, % -- Emphasized text style to red
frame=l, % -- Adds a line to the left of the listings, which is used for line numbers.
framesep=2em, % -- Frame seperator size
framerule=1pt, % -- Frame line size
fillcolor=\color{solarized-base2}, % -- Frame fill colour
identifierstyle=\color{solarized-base00}, % -- Style for Identifiers
keepspaces=true, % -- Keeps Spaces in text, useful for keeping identation of code.
keywordstyle = \color{solarized-cyan}\bfseries, % -- Keyword style
numbers=left, % -- Line numbers on the left
numbersep=0.5em, % -- How far away should line numbers be from code
numberstyle=\normalfont\footnotesize\color{solarized-violet}, % -- Line Number font style, size and colour
rulecolor=\color{solarized-blue}, % -- if not set, the frame-color may be changed on line-breaks within not-black text (e.g. comments (solarized-blue here))
showspaces=false, % -- Do not show spaces everywhere by adding particular underscores
showtabs=fase, % -- Do not show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
stringstyle=\color{solarized-blue}, % -- String style
tabsize=2, % -- Setting the tab size to 2 spaces.
xleftmargin=2em % -- Margin from left of listing
for i:=maxint to 0 do
{ do nothing }
Write(’Case insensitive ’);
WritE(’Pascal keywords.’);
和 的版本listings
\usepackage[top=19mm, left=12.925mm, right=12.925mm, bottom=19mm]{geometry}
basicstyle = \ttfamily\color{solarized-base00}, % -- Making the font monospaced and small
%backgroundcolor=\color{solarized-base3}, % -- Setting the background colour to solarized-base3
breaklines=true, % -- Allows automatic line breaking
captionpos=b, % -- Caption position at bottom of listing
commentstyle = \color{solarized-base1}, % -- Sets comments to solarized-green
escapeinside = {\%*}{*}, % -- Useful for adding LaTeX within the code
emphstyle =\bfseries\color{solarized-red}, % -- Emphasized text style to red
identifierstyle=\color{solarized-base00}, % -- Style for Identifiers
keepspaces=true, % -- Keeps Spaces in text, useful for keeping identation of code.
keywordstyle = \color{solarized-cyan}\bfseries, % -- Keyword style
numbers=left, % -- Line numbers on the left
numbersep=0.5em, % -- How far away should line numbers be from code
numberstyle=\normalfont\footnotesize\color{solarized-violet}, % -- Line Number font style, size and colour
showspaces=false, % -- Do not show spaces everywhere by adding particular underscores
showtabs=fase, % -- Do not show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
stringstyle=\color{solarized-blue}, % -- String style
tabsize=2, % -- Setting the tab size to 2 spaces.
\draw[line width=2em,solarized-base2]
([xshift=1em+1pt]frame.north west) --
([shift={(1em+1pt,1pt)}]frame.south west);
boxsep=0pt,left=2em,top=-2mm,right=0pt,bottom=-2mm,arc=0pt,enhanced jigsaw,breakable,
listing options={style=mystyle},listing only,
overlay unbroken and first={\sideline},
overlay middle and last={\sideline}
listing file={#2},
boxsep=0pt,left=2em,top=-2mm,right=0pt,bottom=-2mm,arc=0pt,enhanced jigsaw,breakable,
listing options={style=mystyle},listing only,
overlay unbroken and first={\sideline},
overlay middle and last={\sideline},
for i:=maxint to 0 do
{ do nothing }
Write(’Case insensitive ’);
WritE(’Pascal keywords.’);
for i:=maxint to 0 do
{ do nothing }
Write(’Case insensitive ’);
WritE(’Pascal keywords.’);