

目前,在我的论文中,我使用全局计数器对定理(和注释等)进行编号。如果参考文献距离标签太远,那么在印刷版中很难找到定理。有没有简单的方法可以修改我的参考命令以添加“在第 XXX 页”,以防参考文献和标签之间有 3 页的差距?你有什么建议或经验吗?

据我了解的文档,诸如 varioref 之类的软件包仅支持一页差异条件;但即使这样我也无法激活。



\usepackage{blindtext} % lore ipsum...

  % example theorem:
    The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams.
  % generate more than 3 pages of text:
  % reference:
  Reference to theorem \ref{thm:foo}. Here an automatic
  ``on page \pageref{thm:foo}'' would be nice.

Mico 的 MWE(参见下文讨论):

\usepackage{blindtext} % lore ipsum...

  % theorem foo
      The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams, see (\vref{eqn:bar})

  % some pages of text...

  % cross-reference to theorem within equation which is labeled itself (same works for figures)
    a+b=c\quad\text{(cf. Theorem \vref{thm:foo})}


  • ! Package amsmath Error: Multiple \label's: label 'eqn:bar' will be lost.
  • ! Package amsmath Error: Multiple \label's: label '4@xvr' will be lost.
  • 进一步的警告...

(部分)解决方案(基于基督徒的想法) 在尝试了 Christians 的建议后,我想到了一个解决方案(它似乎有效)。我必须在加载之前存储操纵的\ref命令。然后,我可以将其用作标准引用和可选的“页面”版本。出于某种奇怪的原因,这个\vrefhyperref\ref\vref仅与 babel 配合使用。为了避免错误的间距,添加“%”非常重要。

\usepackage{blindtext} % lore ipsum...
\usepackage[english]{babel} % < for some strange reason HAS to be loaded
%% --- ref manipulations as suggested by Christian Hupfer:



  \ifnum\value{tmpcntr} < 0 %
  \setcounter{tmpcntr}{\numexpr -1*\value{tmpcntr}}%
  \ifnum\value{tmpcntr} > \value{pagegaptreshhold}
  \latex@@ref{#1} on page \pageref{#1}%
%% --- end cmhughes suggestion ---

  % theorem foo
      The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams, see (\vref{eqn:bar})

  % some pages of text...

  % cross-reference to theorem within equation which is labeled itself (same works for figures)
    a+b=c\quad\text{(cf. Theorem \vref{thm:foo})}
  In particular, we have now the choice between 
    \item ``on page''-if-too-far-away-style: Theorem \vref{thm:foo}
    \item classic style: Theorem \ref{thm:foo}







  \ifnum\value{tmpcntr} < 0 %
  \setcounter{tmpcntr}{\numexpr -1*\value{tmpcntr}}%
  \ifnum\value{tmpcntr} > \value{pagegaptreshhold}
  \latex@@ref{#1} on page \pageref{#1}%


In\ref{section::second} we will see that...
\section{second} \label{section::second}
Here: \ref{section::second}



(在 OP 发布第二个更详细的 MWE 后更新答案。)


  • 如果被交叉引用的项目与交叉引用位于同一页面,则不会产生与页面相关的词缀;

  • 如果交叉引用的项目和交叉引用位于相邻页面上,则在交叉引用上附加“在上一页”或“在下一页”。

  • 如果交叉引用的项目和交叉引用本身相隔两页或多页,则会生成“在第 x 页”的词缀。



\usepackage{blindtext}    % lorem ipsum...

\usepackage{varioref}     % for \vref and \fullref macros


\setcounter{chapter}{1} % just for this example

% theorem foo, with cross-reference to an equation
The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams (see \vref{eqn:bar}). 

% some pages of text...

% equation bar, with cross-reference to a theorem 
    a+b=c\quad\text{(cf.\ \fullref{thm:foo})}
