使用 pgfkeys 处理复杂的标签类表达式

使用 pgfkeys 处理复杂的标签类表达式


label={[scale=.8,pos=.9]above right:$-2\pi i$}



那么,到底是什么不起作用呢?嗯,是选项(参数#1)。如果我只指定一个值(例如label={[blue]above:hola}),它就可以正常工作。但如果我尝试将其变成列表(label={[blue,thick]above:hola})或键值对(label={[scale=.8]above:hola}),代码就会中断(我收到类似这样的错误I do not know the key /tikz/scale=.8)。我必须修改什么才能使其正常工作?



  branch point/.style={cross out,draw=black,fill=none,minimum size=2*(#1-\pgflinewidth),inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt}, 
  branch point/.default=5,
  branch cut/.style={

  % Extract options
    \pgfkeyssetvalue{/branch cut jump/label/options}{#1}%
  % Do we have an angle?
    % Nope!
      % We also don't have a label text
      % But we do have a label text, so let's extract it
       \pgfkeyssetvalue{/branch cut jump/label/text}{#2}%
    % Yup!
  % Do we have an angle?
    \pgfkeyssetvalue{/branch cut jump/label/angle}{#1}%
  % Do we have a label text?
    \pgfkeyssetvalue{/branch cut jump/label/text}{#2}%
\pgfkeys{/branch cut jump/.cd,
  pos/.initial = .8,
  amplitude/.initial = 10,
  color/.initial = green!60!black,
  label/.code    = {
  label/options/.initial = green!60!black,
  label/angle/.initial   = above right,
  label/text/.initial    = $-2\pi i$
  place arrow/.style={
    to path={
      (\tikztostart) -- (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes
    execute at begin to={
      \coordinate (A) at ($(\tikztostart)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/pos}!-\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/amplitude}:(\tikztotarget)$);
      \coordinate (B) at ($(\tikztostart)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/pos}!\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/amplitude}:(\tikztotarget)$);
      \coordinate (AB/3) at ($(A)!1/3!(B)$);
      \coordinate (2AB/3) at ($(A)!2/3!(B)$);
      \coordinate (C) at ($(AB/3)!2/(3*sqrt(3))!-90:(B)$);
      \coordinate (D) at ($(2AB/3)!4/(3*sqrt(3))!-90:(B)$);
        \draw[thick,\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/color},-{Stealth[]}] (A) .. controls (C) and (D) .. (B) node[\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/label/options},\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/label/angle}]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/label/text}};
  branch cut jump/.style={
    /branch cut jump/.cd,#1,
    /tikz/.cd,place arrow


  % Axes
  \draw[thin,gray,->] (-1,0) -- (1,0) node[right] {$x$};
  \draw[thin,gray,->] (0,-1) -- (0,1) node[above] {$y$};
  % Branch point
  \draw[thick] (0,0) node[branch point,draw=red,thick] {};
  % Branch cut
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump] (0,0) to (0:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={hola}}] (0,0) to (30:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={:}}] (0,0) to (60:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={:adios}}] (0,0) to (90:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={left:}}] (0,0) to (120:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={below:$\times (-1)$}}] (0,0) to (150:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={[blue]hola}}] (0,0) to (180:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={[blue]:}}] (0,0) to (210:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={[blue]:adios}}] (0,0) to (240:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={[blue]left:}}] (0,0) to (270:1.2);
  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={[blue]below:$\times (-1)$}}] (0,0) to (300:1.2);






  branch point/.style={cross out,draw=black,fill=none,minimum size=2*(#1-\pgflinewidth),inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt},
  branch point/.default=5,
  branch cut/.style={

  % Extract options
    \tikzset{/branch cut jump/label/options=#1}%
  % Do we have an angle?
    % Nope!
      % We also don't have a label text
      % But we do have a label text, so let's extract it
       \pgfkeyssetvalue{/branch cut jump/label/text}{#2}%
    % Yup!
  % Do we have an angle?
    \pgfkeyssetvalue{/branch cut jump/label/angle}{#1}%
  % Do we have a label text?
    \pgfkeyssetvalue{/branch cut jump/label/text}{#2}%
\pgfkeys{/branch cut jump/.cd,
  pos/.initial = .8,
  amplitude/.initial = 10,
  color/.initial = green!60!black,
  label/.code    = {
  label/options/.store in = \branch@label@options,
  label/angle/.initial   = above right,
  label/text/.initial    = $-2\pi i$
  place arrow/.style={
    to path={
      (\tikztostart) -- (\tikztotarget) \tikztonodes
    execute at begin to={
      \coordinate (A) at ($(\tikztostart)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/pos}!-\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/amplitude}:(\tikztotarget)$);
      \coordinate (B) at ($(\tikztostart)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/pos}!\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/amplitude}:(\tikztotarget)$);
      \coordinate (AB/3) at ($(A)!1/3!(B)$);
      \coordinate (2AB/3) at ($(A)!2/3!(B)$);
      \coordinate (C) at ($(AB/3)!2/(3*sqrt(3))!-90:(B)$);
      \coordinate (D) at ($(2AB/3)!4/(3*sqrt(3))!-90:(B)$);
        \draw[thick,\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/color},-{Stealth[]}] (A) .. controls (C) and (D) .. (B) node[\branch@label@options,\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/label/angle}]{\pgfkeysvalueof{/branch cut jump/label/text}};
  branch cut jump/.style={
    /branch cut jump/.cd,#1,
    /tikz/.cd,place arrow


  \draw[thick,red,branch cut,branch cut jump={label={[blue,thick]above:hola}}] (0,0) to (30:1.2);


