在 enumitem 中,before= 和 after= 是如何工作的?

在 enumitem 中,before= 和 after= 是如何工作的?



但是,结果似乎使引文后的正常段落变成单倍行距。此外,如果我的列表中只有一项,则行距为 1.5 倍,而不是单倍行距。

我使用以下内容使引用环境单倍行距(我在 sx.xs 上找到了它):


并且运行正常。我想我不理解 enumitem 的 before= 和 after= 选项。(当然,我对 enumitem 的了解实际上很少。真正理解,而不是能够工作,主要是借助这里的答案:-)

以下是 MWE:









% single space in quotes




The puzzles mount up when Wittgenstein brings in the notions of use,
projection, and sense to characterize propositional signs and propositions:

\item [{3.11}] We use the sense-perceptible sign (sound or written sign,
etc.) of the proposition as a projection of the possible situation.

The method of projection is the thinking of the sense of the proposition.

\item [{3.12}] {[}T{]}he proposition is the propositional sign in its \emph{projective
relation} to the world.
\item [{3.13}] To the proposition belongs everything which belongs to the
projection, but not what is projected.

In the proposition, therefore, its \emph{sense is not yet contained},
but the possibility of expressing it.


\noindent Answering these questions is complicated by the fact that in the \emph{Tractatus}
there are a number of further characterizations of the notion of sense.
As we saw in the last section there is a notion of sense of pictures
as a possible situation. It's clear that this holds for propositions
as well:
\item [{4.031(2)}] One can say, instead of, This proposition has such and
such a sense, This proposition presents such and such a situation.

In addition, A propositional sign is a fact, some determinate way in which its
constituent parts are connected. Such a fact, however, is not a picture
until it is used to project a possible state of things. Projecting
is the same as presenting.

\item [{4.022}] The proposition \emph{shows} its sense.

The proposition shows how things stand, if it is true. And it says,
that they do so stand.

In my view these remarks don't, in the end, point to a single notion
of proposition. However, they do yield two closely connected and mutually
consistent notions.

\begin{quote}A propositional sign is a fact, some determinate way in which its
constituent parts are connected. Such a fact, however, is not a picture
until it is used to project a possible state of things. Projecting
is the same as presenting.\end{quote}

\noindent First, it involves taking the sign-fact to be the realization of a
possible way in which the constituents of the fact are connected---the
realization of logical form---that is also a possible way in which
objects can be connected. This factor is what the ``logical part
of the symbol'' or the ``form of a proposition'' from the \emph{NB}
theory becomes when form is reconceived as possibility of structure.
From this factor we also can see what it means for a picture to ``contain
a possibility'': a (fact used as a) picture is (a fact treated as)
the realization of a possibility.





您还需要tlpquote在新段落中开始您的内容:否则,您将弄乱间距。(同一个段落不能[轻易地]同时是单倍行距和非单倍行距。)\noindent因此,以 开头的段落应该与以下段落分开tlpquote



问题在于一个段落与以下 tlpquote 之间缺少空行。代码before实际上位于环境之前,因此也位于par列表代码之前。before=xxx将在前一个段落末尾打印文本。\singlespacing影响整个段落,当它在段落末尾发出时,它将“向后反击”。因此,您应该确保通过在\endgraf之前添加来结束段落\singlespacing






The puzzles mount up when Wittgenstein brings in the notions of use,
projection, and sense to characterize propositional signs and propositions:
\item [{3.11}] We use the sense-perceptible sign (sound or written sign,
etc.) of the proposition as a projection of the possible situation.
The puzzles mount up when Wittgenstein brings in the notions of use,
projection, and sense to characterize propositional signs and propositions:

