


\section{User Requirements}
\rowcolor{lightgray}\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{Requirements} \\
Number & 1 \\
Description  & The app shall store a database of information about                psychoanalytical scales on the phone\\
Rationale&  This is the main function of the app.  It will hold a list of pyschoanalytical scales and their interpretation for quick review by clinicians\\
Type &Non-functional \\
How to validate&User testing - can the user access the database\\

\rowcolor{lightgray} \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{Requirements} \\
Number & 2 \\
Description  & The user shall be able to scroll through the list of entries in the database\\
Rationale&  The client identified a similar app that had scrolling behavior in and alphabetical list and really liked the way the app worked.  As users will generally know how to spell the scale name, this is a natural way to access the scales as well as browse available scales\\
Type &Functional\\
How to validate&User testing - scroll up and down through the list.  Should test what happens when scrolling  all the way to the top and to the bottom\\



\section{User Requirements}
\rowcolor{lightgray}\multicolumn{2}{|l|}{Requirements} \\
Number & 1 \\
Description  & The app shall store a database of information about                psychoanalytical scales on the phone\\
Rationale&  This is the main function of the app.  It will hold a list of pyschoanalytical scales and their interpretation for quick review by clinicians\\
Type &Non-functional \\
How to validate&User testing - can the user access the database\\

\rowcolor{lightgray} \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{Requirements} \\
Number & 2 \\
Description  & The user shall be able to scroll through the list of entries in the database\\
Rationale&  The client identified a similar app that had scrolling behavior in and alphabetical list and really liked the way the app worked.  As users will generally know how to spell the scale name, this is a natural way to access the scales as well as browse available scales\\
Type &Functional\\
How to validate&User testing - scroll up and down through the list.  Should test what happens when scrolling  all the way to the top and to the bottom\\

