

在法国,我们通常将开区间或半开区间写为 ]a,b[[a,b[,而不是(a,b)[a,b)。我尤其不喜欢,(a,b)因为它可能与有序对混淆。因此,我定义了一个\interv命令,以便\interv]a,b[例如在 中]被视为开始分隔符和结束分隔符。和[之间的逗号也可以用另一个符号替换或用更多空格包围,以避免与小数分隔符混淆,特别是如果逗号声明为。ab\mathord


我还允许\lr\interv和 之间放置 开始分隔符:这会分别在左分隔符和右分隔符之前插入\left和。另一种可能性是放置( ,等) 命令之一来代替:这会分别在左分隔符和右分隔符之前插入和,等。\right\big\Big\lr\bigl\bigr





% Main routine.
% Examples of use: 
% -- "\interv[a,b]", where "," is replaced by "\intervsep";
% -- "\interv]-a,b[", where "]" is replaced by "\mathopen]" and "[" by 
% "\mathclose[";
% -- "\interv\lr]a,b]", where the left "]" is replaced by "\left]" and the 
% right one by "\right]";
% -- "\interv\Bigg[a,b[", where the left "[" is replaced by "\Biggl[" and the 
% right one by "\Biggr[".
% -- "\interv[a,{f[x]}]", to hide brackets inside the braces so that the closing
% delimiter is the uttermost right "]".

% Define the symbol and the spacing between <a> and <b>.
% Note: "\mathopen{}" is put after "\intervsep" in "\interv@V", in case <b> 
% begins with "+" or "-", so that the operator is considered as unary.

% Search for the opening delimiter.
  {\interv@II}% "[" found.
    {\interv@II}% "]" found.
      {\interv@III}% "\lr" found.
      {\interv@IV}% "\big", "\Big", etc. found.

% Left delimiter found just after "\interv".

% "\lr" found between "\interv" and the opening delimiter.

% "\big", "\Big", etc. found between "\interv" and the opening delimiter.

% Process everything left of ",".
% Note: "\lr" and "\big", etc. have been absorbed by "\interv@III" and
% "\interv@IV", so #1 is always "[" or "]".

% Search for the closing delimiter and read all tokens up to it.
  {\interv@VII}% "]" found.
    {\interv@VII}% "[" found.
      {\interv@VIII}% list of tokens between braces found.
      {\interv@IX}% single token found.

% Process closing delimiter. "\last" is "\mathclose" or "\right".

% Do not search for the closing delimiter within brace-delimited lists of 
% tokens. Append them with enclosing braces to the main list and look for the 
% next token.

% Append a single token to the main list and look for the main token.

% Append a token to a list of tokens.


% To check the effects of "\mathopen", "\mathclose", "\left", "\right" on
% binary and unary operators.

% Works.
\verb|A \cap \interv]-a, +b[ \mathord\setminus B|:
\[A \cap \interv]-a, +b[ \mathord\setminus B\]

% Works.
\verb|A \cap \interv]-1{,}2, +3{,}4[ \mathord\setminus B|:
\[A \cap \interv]-1{,}2, +3{,}4[ \mathord\setminus B\]

% Works.
\verb|A \cap \interv\lr]-a, +\frac{b}{c}] \mathord\setminus B|:
\[A \cap \interv\lr]-a, +\frac{b}{c}] \mathord\setminus B\]

% Works.
\verb|A \cap \interv\Bigg[-a, +{b[c]}[ \mathord\setminus B|:
\[A \cap \interv\Bigg[-a, +{b[c]}[ \mathord\setminus B\]


% Works.
\noindent\verb|A \cap \interv]-a, +b[ \mathord\setminus B|:
\section{$A \cap \interv]-a, +b[ \mathord\setminus B$}

% Complains that "\lr" is an undefined control sequence.
% "\left" and "\right" not used in the table of contents.
\verb|A \cap \interv\lr]-a, +\frac{b}{c}] \mathord\setminus B|:
\section{$\displaystyle A \cap \interv\lr]-a, +\frac{b}{c}] \mathord\setminus B$}

% Fails in the table of contents.
\verb|A \cap \interv\Bigg[-a, +{b[c]}[ \mathord\setminus B|:
\section{$A \cap \interv\Bigg[-a, +{b[c]}[ \mathord\setminus B$}







所以当 LaTeX 没有排版时,它会看到\interv其后的第一个标记并且不会扩展它们。

这或多或少就是我的做法。当然我不会使用反向括号:我同意 Don Knuth 的观点,这是一种变态(参见 TeXbook 练习 18.14)。;-)我只是根据您的喜好调整了我的宏。请注意,这种输入代码的方式可以提供更大的灵活性。只需更改定义中的分隔符,您就可以在整本书中更改它们。


  \keys_set:nn { calcolo/interval } { o, #1 }
  \bool_if:NTF { \l_calcolo_interval_auto_bool }
  \calcolo_interval_set:nn #2
  \bool_if:NTF { \l_calcolo_interval_auto_bool }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \calcolo_interval_set:nn
  #1 \l_calcolo_interval_sep_tl #2

\keys_define:nn { calcolo/interval }
  size .code:n =
   \tl_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { * }
    { \bool_set_true:N \l_calcolo_interval_auto_bool }
    { \tl_set:Nx \l_calcolo_interval_size_tl { \exp_not:c {#1} } },
  o .code:n =
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_left_tl { ] }
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_right_tl { [ },
  oo .code:n =
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_left_tl { ] }
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_right_tl { [ },
  c .code:n =
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_left_tl { [ }
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_right_tl { ] },
  cc .code:n =
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_left_tl { [ }
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_right_tl { ] },
  oc .code:n =
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_left_tl { ] }
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_right_tl { ] },
  co .code:n =
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_left_tl { [ }
   \tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_right_tl { [ },
  o .value_forbidden:n = true,
  oo .value_forbidden:n = true,
  c .value_forbidden:n = true,
  cc .value_forbidden:n = true,
  oc .value_forbidden:n = true,
  co .value_forbidden:n = true,

\tl_new:N \l_calcolo_interval_left_tl
\tl_new:N \l_calcolo_interval_right_tl
\tl_new:N \l_calcolo_interval_size_tl
\tl_new:N \l_calcolo_interval_sep_tl
\bool_new:N \l_calcolo_interval_auto_bool

\tl_set:Nn \l_calcolo_interval_sep_tl { \mathpunct{;} }



$\interval[o]{a,b}$ $\interval[c]{a,b}$
$\interval[oo]{a,b}$ $\interval[cc]{a,b}$
$\interval[oc]{a,b}$ $\interval[co]{a,b}$


\verb|A \cap \interval{-a, +b} \setminus B|:
\[A \cap \interval{-a, +b} \setminus B\]

% Works.
\verb|A \cap \interval{-1{,}2, +3{,}4} \setminus B|:
\[A \cap \interval{-1{,}2, +3{,}4} \setminus B\]

% Works.
\verb|A \cap \interval[oc,size=*]{-a, +\frac{b}{c}} \setminus B|:
\[A \cap \interval[oc,size=*]{-a, +\frac{b}{c}} \setminus B\]

% Works.
\verb|A \cap \interval[co,size=Bigg]{-a, +b[c]} \setminus B|:
\[A \cap \interval[co,size=Bigg]{-a, +b[c]} \setminus B\]


% Works.
\noindent\verb|A \cap \interval{-a, +b} \setminus B|:
\section{$A \cap \interval{-a, +b} \setminus B$}

\verb|A \cap \interval[oc,size=*]{-a, +\frac{b}{c}} \setminus B|:
\section{$\displaystyle A \cap \interval[oc,size=*]{-a, +\frac{b}{c}} \setminus B$}

\verb|A \cap \interval[co,size=Bigg]{-a, +b[c]} \setminus B|:
\section{$A \cap \interval[co,size=Bigg]{-a, +b[c]} \setminus B$}


