

mainlanguage这个 MWE 显示了我在使用多语种(阿拉伯语、otherlanguage英语)脚注时遇到的两个问题。


输出是这样的。 图片


\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic, Scale = 3]{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\englishfont[Script=Latin]{Times New Roman}
This is  a   sentence with a footnote. \LTRfootnote{\textenglish{English 1; 2, 3:  
This has the correct font size and the correct punctuation}} 

This is  a  second sentence with a footnote. \LTRfootnote{English 1; 2, 3:  
The punctuation has been mixed and the font size is based on the scaled-up Arabic  3 size} 




\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic]{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\englishfont[Script=Latin]{Times New Roman}
English 1; 2, 3:  
The punctuation has been mixed and the font size is based on the scaled-up Arabic  3 size

English 1; 2, 3:  
The punctuation has been mixed and the font size is based on the scaled-up Arabic  3 size

当字体包含 时Script=Arabic,XeTeX 引擎会执行一些 unicode bidi。在引擎层面,这不是一个错误,而是一个功能。

bidi软件包仅提供\LTRfootnote命令,并未设置任何字体,因此无法为设置正确字体是 polyglossia 的缺陷\LTRfootnote。我不知道 poly 中的字体设置是如何工作的……但您可以这样做:


\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic, Scale = 3]{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily\englishfont[Script=Latin]{Times New Roman}

    \parindent 1em%
    \hb@[email protected]{\hss\@makefnmark}\englishfont#1}
This is  a   sentence with a footnote. \LTRfootnote{\textenglish{English 1; 2, 3:  
This has the correct font size and the correct punctuation}} 

This is  a  second sentence with a footnote. \LTRfootnote{English 1; 2, 3:  
The punctuation has been mixed and the font size is based on the scaled-up Arabic  3 size} 


