使用拼音和 gb4e 时遇到问题

使用拼音和 gb4e 时遇到问题

我正在尝试使用 gb4e 和 pinyin 包将拼音放入我的语言学示例中。但是我遇到了一堆奇怪的错误,如果我使用 pinyin 注释掉这些错误,这些错误就会消失。也许是 \ex 导致了这个问题?


        \textit{\ta1 \ke3\neng2 \ci2\zhi2 le -- \ta1 \liang3 \zhou1 \mei2 \lai2 \shang4 \ban1 le.}

         he may resign PART -- he two week not come to work PART.

         He may have resigned -- he has not come to work for two weeks.}

         \textit{\wo3 \cai1 \ta1 \ci2\zhi2 le -- \ta1 \liang3 \zhou1 \mei2 \lai2 \shang4 \ban1 le.}

         I guess he resign PART -- he two week not come to work PART.

         I guess that he has resigned -- he has not come to work for two weeks.}


pinyin.sty文件旨在兼容 Plain TeX 和 LaTeX,但实现方式存在争议。出于某些原因,这与 所做的设置相冲突gb4e。解决方案似乎只是交换加载顺序。



        \textit{\ta1 \ke3\neng2 \ci2\zhi2 le -- \ta1 \liang3 \zhou1 \mei2 \lai2 \shang4 \ban1 le.}

         he may resign PART -- he two week not come to work PART.

         He may have resigned -- he has not come to work for two weeks.}

         \textit{\wo3 \cai1 \ta1 \ci2\zhi2 le -- \ta1 \liang3 \zhou1 \mei2 \lai2 \shang4 \ban1 le.}

         I guess he resign PART -- he two week not come to work PART.

         I guess that he has resigned -- he has not come to work for two weeks.}

