





\usepackage[letterpaper, portrait, margin=2cm]{geometry}



\noindent \textbf{Directions:}
        \itemsep 0em
        \item Place the following into a 250 ml round-bottomed flask:
            \item 27.0 g of sodium bromide
            \item 20.0 ml of \textit{n}-butyl alcohol
            \item 30 ml of water
        \item Place into an ice-water bath
        \item Cool briefly
        \item Slowly add 23 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid while stirring using the magnetic stirring apparatus
        \item Fit the flask with a water-cooled condenser 
        \item Heat the flask using the magnetic stirrer until the reaction mixture is boiling and note the time
        \item Adjust the stirring hot plate to maintain a brisk, steady reflux with \textit{vigorous} stirring 
        \item Note the separation due to density differences
        \item Reflux for fifty minutes
        \item Cool to room temperature
        \item Set up a steam distillation apparatus using a 100 ml round bottom flask as a receiver


eps 文件



解决这个问题的一种方法是手动调整列表内的边距,并将图形放置在适当的位置。下面我使用了 LaTeX3 的强大功能xgalley在 内设置一些相对边距enumerate。图像被放置在零高度内tabular(使用\hfill\smash{..})。





% http://river-valley.zeeba.tv/media/conferences/tug-2015/0302-Joseph-Wright/

\cs_new_eq:NN \SetAbsMargins \galley_margins_set_absolute:nn % {<left margin>}{<right margin>}
\cs_new_eq:NN \SetRelMargins \galley_margins_set_relative:nn % {<left margin>}{<right margin>}



  \itemsep 0em
  \item Place the following into a 250 ml round-bottomed flask:
    \item 27.0 g of sodium bromide
    \item 20.0 ml of \textit{n}-butyl alcohol
    \item 30 ml of water
  \item Place into an ice-water bath
  \item Cool briefly
  \item Slowly add 23 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid while stirring using the magnetic stirring apparatus
  \item Fit the flask with a water-cooled condenser
      \includegraphics[width=.25\textwidth]{example-image}} \\
    \rule{0pt}{\normalbaselineskip}% Vertical strut

  \item Heat the flask using the magnetic stirrer until the reaction mixture is boiling and note the time
  \item Adjust the stirring hot plate to maintain a brisk, steady reflux with \textit{vigorous} stirring 
  \item Note the separation due to density differences
  \item Reflux for fifty minutes
  \item Cool to room temperature
  \item Set up a steam distillation apparatus using a 100 ml round bottom flask as a receiver


列表项本身非常短,因此,使用 等功能强大的工具进行(相对)边距调整的必要性值得怀疑xgalley。然而,在更一般的设置中,上述方法同样有效。

也就是说,您可以通过一些手动换行和\item[]在没有枚举的地方使用 s 来获得类似的结果。


这是一个使用包resume*功能的解决方案enumitem。它包括在enumerate包含图像之前关闭环境,并创建两个并排的minipage环境,顶部对齐。左侧小页面包含恢复枚举,右侧包含图像及其标题。在这些环境的末尾,是另一个恢复枚举。\documentclass{article} \usepackage[showframe]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{array, tabularx, enumitem, caption}


\noindent \textbf{Directions:}
  \itemsep 0em
  \item Place the following into a 250 ml round-bottomed flask:
          \item 27.0 g of sodium bromide
          \item 20.0 ml of \textit{n}-butyl alcohol
          \item 30 ml of water
  \item Place into an ice-water bath
  \item Cool briefly
  \item Slowly add 23 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid while stirring using the magnetic stirring apparatus
  \item Fit the flask with a water-cooled condenser
  \item Heat the flask using the magnetic stirrer until the reaction mixture is boiling and note the time
  \item Adjust the stirring hot plate to maintain a brisk, steady reflux with \textit{vigorous} stirring
  \item Note the separation due to density differences
  \item Reflux for fifty minutes
  \item Cool to room temperature
  \item Set up a steam distillation apparatus using a 100 ml round bottom flask as a receiver
  \item Add 50 ml of water and and distil adding water as needed to keep volume constant until no more water-insoluble droplets come over (can be tested by collecting a few drops of distillate in a\emph{dry} test tube to see if any oily droplets are still present)
  \item Pour the distillate into a separatory funnel
\end{minipage} \vspace*{-3pt}
  \item Add 20 ml of water, stopper, and shake (the butyl bromide now forms the \emph{lower} layer since water and $ n $-butyl bromide have densities of $1.0$ g/ml and $ 1.3 $ g/ml, respectively)

