

我尝试了这个漂亮的解决方案来在页面中创建边框,现在我想创建许多没有内容的页面。主要想法是只打印边框来做笔记。我在文档中尝试了许多选项,但都不起作用。这个方法有效\lipsum[2-20],但我不想要 lipsum 代码。



% A length to control the separation of the text and the frame

% A length to control the height of the minipages used in the header

% A length to control the width of the frame

% Definition of the user commands to fill the header
% Initially they are empty

% Command to build each one of the boxes for the header
% \AUCBox{<width>}{<title>}{<contents>}
% The optional argument controls the height of the minipages;
% default value= \AUCBoxHt 
\begin{flushleft}\footnotesize #3\end{flushleft}

% We define the background: the header and the frame
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  ([xshift=-\AUCFrameSep,yshift=-2cm]current page text area.north west|-current page.north west)
  ([xshift=\AUCFrameSep,yshift=-1.5\AUCFrameSep]current page text area.south east);
\node[anchor=north west,xshift=-\the\dimexpr\AUCFrameSep+\fboxrule\relax,yshift=-2cm,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (current page text area.north west|-current page.north west)
  \AUCBox{.175\AUCFrameWd}{Lib Num}{\@ACUlibnum}\kern-\fboxrule%
  \AUCBox{0.125\AUCFrameWd}{Page}{\scshape\thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}%

  Description line 1 \\
  Description line 2 \\
  Description line 3 \\
\LibNum{Doc 12345}






