\documentclass[english 9pt]{extarticle}
\usepackage[letterpaper, margin=.1in]{geometry} %% Set up the margins
\usepackage[tiny]{titlesec} %% Smaller sections
\usepackage{minted} %% Syntax highlighting
\usepackage{multicol} %% Mulitple columns
\setlength{\columnsep}{1cm} %% Distance between columns
\item[Scanning] is the process of dividing the sequence of
characters into words, punctuation, etc\ldots These units are
called \textit{lexical items, lexemes,} or most often
\item[Parsing] is the process of organizing the sequences of tokens
into hierarchical syntactic structures such as expressions,
statements and blocks. This is like organizing or diagramming a
sentence into clauses.
\section*{Section 3.1 - Specification and Implementation Strategy}
Specifications will be as follows:\\
(value-of $exp$ $p$) = $val$\\
We will have the following rules:\\
\textit{Program} ::= & \textit{Expression} \\
& \fbox{a-program (exp1)}
The flow goes like this:
(run "fun() = up(42)")
\usepackage[letterpaper, margin=.1in]{geometry} %% Set up the margins
\usepackage[tiny]{titlesec} %% Smaller sections
\usepackage{minted} %% Syntax highlighting
\usepackage{multicol} %% Mulitple columns
\setlength{\columnsep}{1cm} %% Distance between columns
\item[Scanning] is the process of dividing the sequence of
characters into words, punctuation, etc\ldots These units are
called \textit{lexical items, lexemes,} or most often
\item[Parsing] is the process of organizing the sequences of tokens
into hierarchical syntactic structures such as expressions,
statements and blocks. This is like organizing or diagramming a
sentence into clauses.
\section*{Section 3.1 - Specification and Implementation Strategy}
Specifications will be as follows:
\hspace{2em}$(\textrm{value-of $exp$ $p$}) = \textit{val}$
We will have the following rules:
\textit{Expression} \= ::= \= \kill
\textit{Program} \> ::= \> \textit{Expression} \\
\> \> \fbox{\ttfamily a-program (exp1)} \\
\textit{Expression} \> ::= \> \textit{Identifier} \\
\> \> \fbox{\ttfamily var-exp (var)}
The flow goes like this:
(run "fun() = up(42)")