更新:问题解决了。请参阅下面我自己的回答。感谢 Werner。
我正在使用authblk package
一篇文章。作者无法正确区分。这是 MWE:
\documentclass[twocolumn, twoside]{article}
\title{\fontsize{24pt}{10pt}\selectfont\textbf{The Title Here\\}\vspace{1ex}}
\author[1]{Author One}
\author[2]{Author Two}
\author[1,2]{Author Three}
\author[3]{Author Four}
\affil[1]{\small University of California;}
\affil[2]{University of Missouri;}
\affil[3]{University of Maine}
\renewcommand\Authsep{, }
\renewcommand\Authands{, and }
\textbf{Abstract:} Following the first case series of Hodgkin lymphomas
Although Pathology is as ancient as 17th century BC Egyptian medicine, Hematopathology can only be historically traced back to 1832 AD when Thomas
我希望如此Author One^1, Author Two^2, Author Three^1,2, and Author Four^3
。为什么Authsep{, }
和Authands{, and }