统计机器翻译 (SMT) 范式很大程度上归功于 Warren Weavers 于 1949 年向 Rockfella 基金会提交的备忘录 \citep{weaver1955translation}:
奇怪的是,当块引用很短时,LaTeX 会自动添加引号,并且不会像较长的块引用那样缩进:
在他的一份备忘录\emph{发现的艺术} (1685)中,他写道:
更奇怪的是,它与 里面的内容无关\blockquote
在他的一份备忘录\emph{发现的艺术} (1685)中,他写道:
\blockquote{\emph{这种语言将成为理性的最重要工具……当人们之间发生争执时,我们可以简单地说:让我们算一算,不用多说,看看谁是对的。spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam}}
The Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) paradigm is largely attributed to Warren Weavers memorandum to the Rockfella foundation in 1949:
\blockquote{\emph{It is very tempting to say that a book written in Chinese is simply a book written in English which was coded into the ``Chinese code". If we have useful methods for solving almost any cryptographic problem, may it not be that with proper interpretation we already have useful methods for translation?}}
In one of his memo, \emph{The Art of Discovery} (1685), he writes:
\blockquote{\emph{This language will be the greatest instrument of reason ... when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us calculate, without further ado, and see who is right.}}
In one of his memo, \emph{The Art of Discovery} (1685), he writes:
\blockquote{\emph{This language will be the greatest instrument of reason ... when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us calculate, without further ado, and see who is right. spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam}}
从第一个块引用中删除了 ,但没有从第二个块引用中删除,以显示\emph{}
重新定义的块引用中的 正确处理块引用内的强调文本。
The Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) paradigm is largely attributed to Warren Weavers memorandum to the Rockfella foundation in 1949:
\blockquote{It is very tempting to say that a book written in Chinese is simply a book written in English which was coded into the ``Chinese code". If we have useful methods for solving almost any cryptographic problem, may it not be that with proper interpretation we already have useful methods for translation?}
In one of his memo, \emph{The Art of Discovery} (1685), he writes:
\blockquote{\emph{This language will be the greatest instrument of reason ... when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us calculate, without further ado, and see who is right.}}
In one of his memo, \emph{The Art of Discovery} (1685), he writes:
\blockquote{This language will be the greatest instrument of reason ... when there are disputes among persons, we can simply say: Let us calculate, without further ado, and see who is right. spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam}