已编译 *.tex 文档中使用的所有命令的列表

已编译 *.tex 文档中使用的所有命令的列表

是否有可能获得编译文档中使用的所有命令? 我的意思是,如果我在各种.tex-documents 命令中使用诸如\emph、、、、、、和之\section\cite\begin命令,我\documentclass可以生成类似以下的列表吗?\footnote\MyCommandX


类似问题:自动返回所有使用命令的列表,不重复,例如 \compound 使用 chemstyle



\begin{tabular}{| >{$}c<{$} | c | c | c | c | c | c |c |}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{}&\multicolumn{7}{c|}{\rule{0mm}{0.4cm}{figure1 put here}}\\ \hline
\rule[-.5cm]{0mm}{1.2cm} x & -0.01 & -0.001 & -0.0001 & 0 & 0.0001 & 0.001 & 0.01 \\\hline
\rule[-.5cm]{0mm}{1.2cm} f(x) & 1.99499 & 1.9995 & 1.99995 & ? & 2.00005 & 2.0005 & 2.00499\\\hline
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{}&\multicolumn{7}{c|}{\rule{0mm}{0.4cm}\text{figure2 put here}}\\\cline{2-8}
addsomething with \emph{\$ and \^{a}}



 egrep  -o '\\[a-zA-Z]+|\\[^a-zA-Z]' xyz.tex | sort | uniq



那是使用 unix-ish 工具(虽然我在 Windows 上)但任何编辑器都应该能够做同样的事情。


我偶然发现了这个问题,并认为列出控制序列会很有趣之内文档本身。当然,逐字输入 DC 的答案所生成的列表就足够了,但是假设我们想在一次运行中完成所有操作;这可以通过以下方式完成:



\title{The \TeX\ control sequences\\
    used in this document}



What follows is an alphabetized list of the names of all the \TeX\ control
sequences used in this same document:

\catcode`\^ = 12
\catcode`$ = 0
\catcode`\\ = 12
$input{|"egrep  -o '\\[a-zA-Z]+|\\[^a-zA-Z]' $jobname.tex | sort | uniq"}

Note that \verb*|\ | is handled correctly, but \verb|\|\meta{CR} is not.
(We have included a \verb|\|\meta{CR} right here:~$\to$\
Note also that the alfabetical ordering used by \texttt{sort} is somewhat
questionable, and that, of course, control sequences beginning with non-standard
escape characters, like \verb|$obeylines| or \verb|$input|, are not recognized.






\title{The \TeX\ control sequences\\
    used in this document}


\newcommand*{\CommandLine}{} % let's behave well and declare the name
    \catcode`\^ = 12
    \catcode`\$ = 0
    \catcode`\\ = 12
    $gdef $CommandLine #1{%
        egrep  -o '\\[a-zA-Z]+|\\[^a-zA-Z]' #1.tex | sort | uniq%



What follows is an alphabetized list of the names of all the \TeX\ control
sequences used in this same document:


Note that \verb*|\ | is handled correctly, but \verb|\|\CR\ is not.
(We have included a \verb|\|\CR\ right here:~$\to$\
Note also that the alfabetical ordering used by \texttt{sort} is somewhat
questionable, and that, of course, control sequences beginning with non-standard
escape characters, like \verb|$gdef| or \verb|$endgroup|, are not recognized.

Let's try a few special characters.  It costs 100\$.  Procter \& Gamble.  You
are the~\#1!.  De~l'H\^{o}pital.  A variable named \textit{total\_cost}.
A~10\%~discount.  \emph{Muchas gracias, se\~{n}orita!} (I~hope the Spanish is 

Moreover: let \( P = \{\,x\mid\mbox{$x$ is prime}\,\} \), and\\a line break.


